Recent content by DBirk

  1. D

    Maglev Train and Earth's Rotation

    So you are suggesting that a body in motion tends to stay in motion. i.e. there are no forces acting on the train (or me on the pond), so I will keep right on moving with the earth. I can see that. Consider for a second coriolis acceleration. If you fire a projectile a long distance, the Earth...
  2. D

    Maglev Train and Earth's Rotation

    Well, that's my confusion. If the Earth is a truly rotating reference frame, it moves with respect to a reference frame at rest. So, the Earth has imparted an initial speed of 1000 mph to the train with respect to the non-moving reference frame. But then the Earth no longer influences the train...
  3. D

    Maglev Train and Earth's Rotation

    It begins at rest. Question is, will it ever begin to move, or will it remain at rest?
  4. D

    Maglev Train and Earth's Rotation

    Homework Statement Will a maglev train beginning at rest slowly drift or accelerate due to the rotation of the earth? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution The Earth is a rotating reference frame, with points on the equator moving at approximately 1000 miles per hour. If the maglev is...
  5. D

    Frictionless body on Earth's Surface

    I can only think of fluids as such, water and atmosphere. Those have different behaviors though. One man-made object that approaches frictionless would be a mag-lev train. Similar question, would a mag-lev be (slowly) induced into movement by coriolis or other rotational Earth force if it was...
  6. D

    Frictionless body on Earth's Surface

    Homework Statement Will a frictionless body placed on the Earth move, and if so, describe it's path and acceleration. Homework Equations I was given no equations, but I believe that coriolis and centripetal forces would act on the body.The Attempt at a Solution I assume that we have to assume...