Recent content by davieddy

  1. D

    Charge Flown Through Battery In Charging Capacitor

    Feel free to PM me anytime! David (King of adults) BTW I'm not sure what miniscule-tim was trying to get at when he said pretend the battery wasn't there. I would say pretend there was a battery of E/3. Then you close the switch and nothing happens. Now insert a battery with emf...
  2. D

    Measuring average power during a jump

    The "final equation" doesn't need force, work, energy, momentum, and doesn't even explicitly include acceleraration. Have a good day. Bye (before I get barred again for my attitude) David PS I thought of something else to say, but mercifully for both of us I have temporarily...
  3. D

    Measuring average power during a jump

    What is false? Constant acceleration of his c of m during the jumping? You are making the same assumption when you say work = Fd and mv = (F-mg)t. BTW although "F" is the force exerted by him on the floor (and vice versa) neither are doing any work on each other since the floor isn't...
  4. D

    Freq. of small oscillations in two pendulums

    L (in your formula) is the distance of the center of mass from the pivot, not the L specified in the question.
  5. D

    Charge Flown Through Battery In Charging Capacitor

    Yes. Let's follow this through and we will find why Ritwik's first answer is right: Take sign convention as positive = clockwise round the circuit. With no battery, a charge q flows in the negative direction until (CE/2 - q)/(3C/2) = q/C giving q = CE/5. Now insert the battery, and a...
  6. D

    Measuring average power during a jump

    Sorry can't read your black boxes. As you have noted (about 10 times) we need to know the time he spends jumping (in contact with the floor). If the acceleration was varying, this time might be anything. Constant acceleration is both reasonable and simple. (He exerts a constant force...
  7. D

    Measuring average power during a jump

    Power = work/time Work = mg(d+h) Time = 2d/v mv^2/2 = mgh You measure d and h with the tape measure, and m with the scales. As usual in this forum, you assume g is known.
  8. D

    Measuring average power during a jump

    If you read Dr Al's "sticky" post on formulae, you will see "average velocity = displacement / time" and for constant acceleration, "average velocity = (u+v)/2" It follows that d = (u+v)/2 * t. I don't know why he didn't include this in his list of constant acceleration equations...
  9. D

    Measuring average power during a jump

    d = (u+v)t/2 (area under v-t graph or average velocity * time) u=0 PLEASE try harder:)
  10. D

    Measuring average power during a jump

    As I said t = 2d/v You know v and d What's the problem?
  11. D

    Measuring average power during a jump

    He crouches to a depth d, accelerates to speed v in time t and then ascends under gravity to a height h. mv^2/2=mgh So we know v. d=vt/2 so t=2d/v Work done during jump = mv^2/2 + mgd Power = work/t
  12. D

    Measuring average power during a jump

    Measure how far you crouch down before you jump. Assume constant acceleration, and you can calculate the time taken and acceleration during the actual jumping (straightening the legs).
  13. D

    Direction of current for Kirchhoff's Current Law

    I endorse this sentiment. By talking about the potentials, not only does the meaning of "potential difference" (e.g. VA - VB) become clear, but Kirchoff's "potential drops" law is rendered redundant (satisfied trivially). In this problem there are only two different potentials involved...
  14. D

    Need help going over a momentum/spring problem

    In part b) you have added the max KE to the max PE. When KE is max, PE is zero and vice versa.