Recent content by davidpascu

  1. D

    Rotation of a ring pivoted at several points

    The ring has around 2 meter diameter. It rotates at low speed (below 100 rpm) and the load applied to it is variable, but its always around 200-300 N
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    Rotation of a ring pivoted at several points

    I am involved in the conceptual design of some mechanisms. For my part I need to design this mechanism for rotating a mobile part. The project is still in an early step, so the only things I know for sure are the ring's dimensions and the external force. I have to come up with an idea for a...
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    Rotation of a ring pivoted at several points

    I am nor really sure, it is just an assumption... I guess maybe it is not correct and that is why it does not lead to a solution. Then I would ask on ideas on how to model the problem. I guess the heart of the problem is how to model correctly the bearings. My first feeling was to put the...
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    Rotation of a ring pivoted at several points

    Hi all, The ring is in the vertical plane. Actually this is not a fixed problem, but more one case of a more general model I need to do. The issue is this: I have a ring "pivoted" in several points with bearings so that it can rotate around it axis but not translate. The number of bearings is...
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    Rotation of a ring pivoted at several points

    First, projecting the force in the tangential and radial direction, with the angle phi: FTAN = F cos Φ and FRAD = F sin Φ Then, projecting this two again in the vertical and horizontal axis: FX = -FTAN cos θ - FRAD sin θ FY = -FTAN sin θ + FRAD cos θ where the vertical axis Y is taken as...
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    Rotation of a ring pivoted at several points

    Homework Statement A rigid ring is fixed with three bearings evenly spaced around its circunference, which allow it to rotate but not to displace in the radial direction. An external force is applied in a fixed point P of the ring which moves with the ring. The bearings have friction. These...