Recent content by davidortenn79

  1. davidortenn79

    B Why is it impossible to go faster than the speed of light?

    Did Einstein really have a PhD in physics? I'm being serious. Assumed at that time, PhDs in physics didn't exist. I know Einstein is the definition of a PhD in physics... but also assumed the degree wouldn't exist at the time to get a PhD in. He would first have to write his book so he could...
  2. davidortenn79

    B Why is it impossible to go faster than the speed of light?

    I still wonder if, the reason why we believe we can't go faster than light is because we cant imagine anything faster than light. Also, it's the "theory of relativity" that says that right? It's a theory. How long does something need to remain a theory and proven over and over before you...
  3. davidortenn79

    B Why is it impossible to go faster than the speed of light?

    Ok, I took like a class in physics in college. It was a class to learn physics for majors that we really didn't care. I remember him saying, if you remember anything from this class, remember inertia. That's about all I remember from the class... lol. But, I don't understand why it's...