Recent content by DavidGahan

  1. D

    Is time travel possible and does it mean we have no free will?

    Just wanted to know if a person from the future were to visit me, he would know what choices I am going to make even before I made them. Relative to the time traveler, my future is his past. Thank you for the links especially the "Quantum theory Looks at Time Travel".
  2. D

    Is time travel possible and does it mean we have no free will?

    I think that's another term for time travel.
  3. D

    Quantum Randomness and Free Will

    Does quantum randomness or uncertainty tells us that we have free will?
  4. D

    Is time travel possible and does it mean we have no free will?

    "Once confined to fantasy and science fiction, time travel is now simply an engineering problem." Michio Kaku If time travel were to be operational right now and I want to go 5 days towards the future and record all the events that have transpired, and go back again to the present time, am I...
  5. D

    Infinite brightness in the singularity?

    According to this site: "The Universe appears brighter and brighter as you approach the horizon, tending to infinite brightness at the horizon."
  6. D

    The Big Bang singularity - does it have infinite energy?

    Thank you for your reply. In terms of heat energy, am I correct to think that since the big bang singularity has infinite heat, therefore, it's energy in terms of heat is infinite?
  7. D

    The fate of the Universe - big rip, then big crunch?

    I envision the Universe to be like a stellar sized star. When it expands, it explodes into a supernova, then collapses/contract into a black hole singularity. Since the Universe rate of expansion is accelerating, would it rip apart, and then contract into a singularity, just like the star?
  8. D

    Infinite brightness in the singularity?

    Since the black hole has infinite brightness near the singularity just below the photon sphere, would the big bang singularity also possesses such characteristic?
  9. D

    The Big Bang singularity - does it have infinite energy?

    Since the big bang singularity has infinite density, gravity, and heat, am I correct to think that it has infinite energy? Since the black hole singularity also has infinite density, gravity, but has finite heat, does it have infinite energy as well? With regards to the black hole...