Recent content by Dave1939

  1. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    Bill, I think you are owed an explanation of what I mean by scaling. What follows is a few quotes and a paraphrasing of Brian Greene’s comments on page 97 of The Fabric of the Cosmos. The uncertainty as to momentum and location of an electron and that of a car are vastly different. The...
  2. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    The Kindle version of this book is only $10.44 so I bought it for my library.
  3. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    I'm not sure if this is applicable but recall that Prof. Wolfson of Middlebury College started with what I now take to be an approximate mathematical definition of uncertainty: h: m Delta x Delta v >h (m = mass; delta x = the uncertainty in position, delta v = the uncertainty in velocity and h =...
  4. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    Scaling. That quantum effects are not noticed or felt in the macroscopic world and therefore the uncertainty associated with the microscopic world is of no consequence accept when measuring objects at near absolute zero.
  5. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    Bill, Thanks for your patience in answering my questions and especially for all the reading recommendations. I'm mostly interested in the philosophical implications of the weird aspects of quantum mechanics so I'm currently reading The Quantum Moment by Crease (philosopher) and Goldhaber...
  6. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    Here is a technical article about this:
  7. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    Given decoherence and the Consistent Histories Interpretation of QM, it seems that there is a negligible but not zero probability of an object's wave function collapsing into a state other than its antecedent state. In saying this, I am relying on these claims: 1) decoherence has been going on...
  8. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    Here is an excerpt from a physics site that is representative of what I'm reading and what everybody, but you and apparently others here, take to be a relationship between mass and uncertainty. I made several attempts to express this in terms of mass and wavelengths without any acknowledgment on...
  9. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    Bill and others in this thread: Putting the issue of mathematical support aside for a moment. Solely based on what you know about uncertainty, can one say: There is an inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass or uncertainty and frequency/wavelength? As to support for the latter...
  10. D

    Time Dilation & Foreshortening: Understanding the Twin Paradox

    If absolute rest is not possible, in what sense is everything at rest relative to itself ? In freefall, I come close to being at rest but otherwise I'm in motion. If in no frame of reference is it possible to be at rest, how can I claim to be at rest relative to my own frame of reference or any...
  11. D

    Time Dilation & Foreshortening: Understanding the Twin Paradox

    I'm confused. The stay at home twin is not truly at rest since the Earth is moving; however, he/she is moving at a speed closer to the impossible-to-achieve absolute rest state than his/her traveling twin. So if neither twin is truly at rest, is it not more accurate to say relative to one...
  12. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    Ok, Thanks. What about the relationship claim (scaling)? Is there an inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass? If so, how would you express this mathematically?
  13. D

    Time Dilation & Foreshortening: Understanding the Twin Paradox

    Is anyone truly at rest? The Earth is moving. I read somewhere that the closest we can come to a rest state is in freefall like the astronauts in orbit around the earth. While freefalling in an orbit is not uniform motion nor absolute rest, is it not the closest we can come to it?
  14. D

    Time Dilation & Foreshortening: Understanding the Twin Paradox

    As I understand time dilation, at 90% of the speed of light, a space traveling twin would age at a rate 44% of his/her twin on earth; at 99% it would be 14% and at 99.9% it's 4.5%. And these differences would be permanent. Since relativity explains things in terms of spacetime, does this mean...
  15. D

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass

    Scaling - Inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass I’m trying to express Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle in a simplified formula that is not boundary unlimited and still capture what I believe is an inverse relationship between uncertainty and mass - the "scaling hypothesis". I...