Recent content by Dathascome

  1. D

    HII regions, on-the-spot approximations

    Explains it well here.
  2. D

    Find Fitting Function for Plot Without Data Points

    I think part of the reason that it's not so clear what I'm trying to do is that I'm not 100% sure what I need to be doing and I'm trying to figure that out. Here's the figure (since I got it from a journal article I thought it best to leave it unlabled). The solid line is say f(x,y=const)...
  3. D

    Find Fitting Function for Plot Without Data Points

    Hi there, This might be a sort of vague question, but if I have a plot say that I don't know the data points for, how can I go about trying to find a fitting function (basically a functional form) for the curves I'm looking at? Basically I have a figure I got from a journal paper that I want to...
  4. D

    Grad Level Cosmology Books: Structure Formation & More

    Thanks much, I'll check them out.
  5. D

    Grad Level Cosmology Books: Structure Formation & More

    Hi there, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendation on a good grad level cosmology book. Something dealing with more astrophysical things like structure formation. I'm using the Cole & Lucchin book for my class now and am not really a big fan of it. The other books I've found are either...
  6. D

    Can't get gnuplot to work on mac

    I've been trying for a bit to get gnuplot to run on my mac but it doesn't seem to work properly. I can get it to run but it doesn't seem to recognize x11 or aquaterm for some reason so I can't actually display and plots. When I type set term it brings up a list of available terms but neither of...
  7. D

    Problem with summation algorithm

    Thanks much Hurkyl. I changed it so that I initialized N when I first declared it and it seems to work just fine now. Despite that I'm not sure why still. Is the problem just that I tried to use it in A[N] before I specified what N was? I guess that makes sense then. Also I tried gcc -Wall with...
  8. D

    Problem with summation algorithm

    Hi there, I'm trying to right a program for class that 1st assigns random single precission floats from 0 to 1 to the elements 1-d array and then sums them up. Next I'm supposed to compare to this thing called the Kahan summation algorithm for different values of N (array size) using the...
  9. D

    Which programming language to learn?

    Thanks much to all for the advice. I'm not really sure to what ends I will need to be programming (I'm just starting grad school for astrophysics in the fall), but I've already started plodding through on C, and will go at that for a bit and then try out some python. I was also wondering how...
  10. D

    Which programming language to learn?

    Which programming language to learn? Hi there, I've decided to start teaching myself a programming language and it was recommended to me by two people both in the field I'm getting into (astrophysics) to learn either C or Fortran but preferably C. I was told C rather than C++ because C++ is...
  11. D

    Which Linux Distribution is Best for Astrophysics/Astronomy?

    Purely out of ignorance...I don't know much of these other free UNIX/ UNIX-type variants out there. What are some alternatives? Is Pidgin no good for IM'ing?
  12. D

    Which Linux Distribution is Best for Astrophysics/Astronomy?

    Thanks so much all for the suggestions. I'm planning on doing the deed some day this coming week:biggrin:
  13. D

    Which Linux Distribution is Best for Astrophysics/Astronomy?

    I'm planning on installing linux on my hard drive, having never done it before, and was doing a bit of research and found out there seems to be tons of different distributions of it! As one without so much knowledge of such things, I was wondering if anyone had any advice on what would be a...
  14. D

    Can You Solve This Hilarious Limit Problem Involving Sine and Infinity?

    I didn't read through all 11 pages so I hope no one said these. There are 3 types of mathematicians in the world...those who can count, and those who can't. My quantum mechanics professor a few years ago said this one. Q:Why doesn't Heisenberg live in the suburbs? A: Because he...
  15. D

    Question about finding journal paper

    Yeah I tried that already too. Going though my schools library I tried to find the journal article online, I got as far which redirects to but they don't seem to have articles as old as the one I'm looking for...