Recent content by DarrenM

  1. D

    Endurance->permanent academia position?

    This has been a very interesting discussion. If I may venture a very small detour, I'd like to ask how much of this information also applies to Mathematics/Applied Mathematics PhDs? I know this forum has significantly fewer "math folk" than physics--still, any information would be helpful.
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    Math Applied Math PhD Industry Job Prospects

    I'd also like to see some replies from people that have experience with this matter. tjackson3, have you already spoken to any faculty members about this? I know that's not always the best advice, as professors may not have much knowledge or experience outside of academia; that isn't always...
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    I've finally hit a wall with math

    This thread got real silly, real fast. I can't tell if we're being trolled or not. I will say this: No one is denying the existence of talent; almost everyone is denying that it is the most important factor in one's success in mathematics. There is a substantial body of anecdotal evidence...
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    How Can We Make Math Appealing to Incoming Students?

    I'm reminded of "Flight of the Conchords." The poor little New Zealand booth next to the outstanding Australians. I can't really think of a demonstration that isn't more physics or engineering than math. There are lots of amazing visual representations of different math ideas, but a bunch of...
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    Testing Screwed up Abstract Algebra exam unsure if I have the ability to do math.

    I think that is part of the attraction for many people that get into mathematics. However, in time, the luster on that jewel starts to fade. Bertrand Russell, who once suggested that mathematics was his salvation, remarked that the certrainty he had once hoped to find was as absent from...
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    Testing Screwed up Abstract Algebra exam unsure if I have the ability to do math.

    That is very unfortunate. I'm sorry that your studies were not what you had hoped. Thanks for indulging my curiosity.
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    Testing Screwed up Abstract Algebra exam unsure if I have the ability to do math.

    @OP: One poor test isn't indicative of anything except that you did poorly on one test. If you have a pattern of low scores, or significant gaps in comprehension, then you may want to consider reevaluating your goals. It is very important that you get a handle on that kind of reaction. As...
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    Average time taken to study before GRE

    Is this also true for the GRE Math Subject test?
  9. D

    B.S. Applied Math to Pure Math Grad?

    Thanks very much. Your reply, along with a good bit of time reading the course descriptions on the GT site, have really influenced my decision. Thanks again.
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    B.S. Applied Math to Pure Math Grad?

    Hello, I've been pursuing a second bachelor's degree part-time for a while now at a Group III school. I just found out, somewhat unexpectedly, that I might be able to transfer to Georgia Tech (a Group I school) with relative ease to complete my degree as a full-time student. GT is...
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    Self-Study Maths for Paralegal Studies: Where to Start

    Start here: You'll have to look at the different options they have, as I can't say whether "College Algebra" or "Intermediate Algebra" or one of the others would be more in line with where your current understanding is. Once you've...
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    Schools Does self-study even matter to graduate schools?

    I don't think self-study would contribute much at all to an application for grad school unless it was supported by an outstanding score on the Math GRE. That might demonstrate some mastery of the requisite coursework, but I'm still skeptical about how much of a boost it would provide.
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    Advice about Masters vs PhD ( twofish-quant)

    Is that to say that you've encountered more Applied Math PhDs and fewer 'pure' Math PhDs? Or simply that the emphasis differs between academia and industry?
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    Advice about Masters vs PhD ( twofish-quant)

    Thank you. Most enlightening. Would you say that the same is true for a Math PhD? If I'm not mistaken, twofish, you studied physics and eventually found yourself in financel; I know you can't necessarily speak for a Math PhD but I was wondering if you had encountered anyone post-academia...
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    Advice about Masters vs PhD ( twofish-quant)

    I take your meaning here, but would you mind elaborating on this point a bit? I'm just curious.