Recent content by DarkNess_wtc

  1. D

    A very difficult problem(hooke's law)

    however, the natural length is not given. they might not be the same
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    A very difficult problem(hooke's law)

    how can you know they having the same length and all do it by x cm.
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    A very difficult problem(hooke's law)

    i think the answer is in terms of l,k1,k2,k3 and theta
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    A very difficult problem(hooke's law)

    that's all the information given. I just don't know how the use the l
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    A very difficult problem(hooke's law)

    a mass is held by 3 extensible strings with spring constant k1,k2 and k3 respectively. Now, the string in the middle is having a length of l that's all the info. given find the tension of the 3 strings please help!
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    What are Some Common Questions about Ionic and Covalent Compounds?

    【questions】ionic & covalent compound Hello, i have some questions about ionic & covalent compound, please help 1. is molecule include ionic compound or only covalent compound? 2. will boiling broke the ionic / covalent bond? 3. suppose there are 3 atoms,1 sodium and 2 oxygen, then the...
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    How can we produce the triple point of water?

    i know triple point is the temp. that water's(here use water as example) solid、liquid、gas state can be existent . the video is amazing and so, how can he change water's state? (solid、liquid、gas state can be existent at the same time, but how can we...
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    Explaining Air Travel Radiation: Today's Biology Lesson

    today's biology lession our teacher about cancer he said that if we travell somewhere by aeroplane, it's equal to take X-way 3 times i don't understand why we have radiation through traveling by aeroplane can someone explain to me, please thank you so much
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    Which liquid have low specific heat capacity

    can you please state some liquid which is a good heat conductor (which have low specific heat capacity)
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    What is the Operator Method for Deriving the Euler-Maclaurin Formula?

    i can't understand S_n = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{\sqrt{i}}\approx 2\sqrt{n} +\frac{1}{2\sqrt{n}} - \frac{1}{24n\sqrt{n}} - \frac{35}{24} can you explain it please?
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    What is the Operator Method for Deriving the Euler-Maclaurin Formula?

    >that is 2(19-1) = 36 HOW come to this step?