Recent content by darkar

  1. D

    Magnetic Field inside a current carrying wire

    Hmm, i just rethink again, maybe i should first use Amperes law to find the relationship of magnetic field inside the wire, then use superposition of the de-magnetic field due to the hole and add them up together.# Just a guess, is the magnetic field still a circle inside the wire? (assuming no...
  2. D

    Magnetic Field inside a current carrying wire

    Homework Statement A cable with given diameter D1 is given, a small hole with diameter D2 is drilled on it. The axis of them are parallel and the distance between the axis are given as r. There is a uniform steady current density flowing through it. How to calculate the magnetic field at the...
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    What are the waste products from a deuterium and tritium fusion reaction?

    How much Helium will be produce by fusion process in fusion power generator (assuming they are operational)? Will it be a lot? Because this might lead to increase concentration in atmosphere after a lot of year of running like CO2. High concentration of helium can be dangerous because helium is...
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    Essay Topic Selection for 2nd Year Undergraduate Physics Students

    This is a bit tricky. I need to read some books for reference from the library but all the related books has been borrowed and will only due back after the submission deadline. What should i do?
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    Essay Topic Selection for 2nd Year Undergraduate Physics Students

    Thats pretty interesting. Cool. I will try to look at that in further details as well. Thanks.
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    Essay Topic Selection for 2nd Year Undergraduate Physics Students

    Is fusion power definitely going to be our future primary source of energy?
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    Essay Topic Selection for 2nd Year Undergraduate Physics Students

    I have to write up an essay for my second year undergraduate physics. The essay has to be high in physics contents. Have asked quite a lot of friends, but most of them seems to be doing black holes or something about astronomy. As for myself, i planned to go for future energy but seems...
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    Treatment for victim from radiation overdose

    Is there any treatment to cure those victim who got radiation overdose?
  9. D

    Can All Functions Be Parameterized?

    Oh rite, i see. Thanks for helps! Edit: oh, btw, is there any functions that can't be parameterized?
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    Can All Functions Be Parameterized?

    Is there a specific method to parameterised a function of scalar and vector? I was reading through this website but then, can't understand how it read taht parameterised steps. Any guide? ( under double check...
  11. D

    Can Flour Help Stop Bleeding and Protect Wounds on Skin?

    hmm, doesn't seems to work that well. Coz i been washing dishes in warm water as well but it is still there. Edit: Anyway, once it really stick onto it, does it really matter anymore?
  12. D

    Can Flour Help Stop Bleeding and Protect Wounds on Skin?

    I see. Thats so true! Should be more wary next time. But how can u remove them once they stick onto ur broken blisters?
  13. D

    Can Flour Help Stop Bleeding and Protect Wounds on Skin?

    I just got a broken blister, but was then later I was trying to put some flour on the the fish. TO my amaze, it made a cover on top of the injured place and something like a plaster cover. So i m wondering, do flour helps in preventing tissue under skin expose to air, and maybe helps prevent...
  14. D

    Troubleshooting Multiplayer Issues in Warcraft 3 and Starcraft

    Hmm, not sure about that, but in my case i can play LAN games with my friends as long as they are in the same college. I can't play with them even they are in the same university network but different colleges. Well, for portforwarding, u could try .
  15. D

    Can stolen computers be traced directly through the Internet? this company setup something like u sent an email to their server eveytime u log on to internet and they can trace where u from.