Recent content by DanHoro

  1. D

    Mext Scholarship: Get Help Preparing for Physics Exam

    My native language is spanish, but i do not have any problem with reading english books. Recentely in my city i looked for a tutor, he said to me that he do not dominate those topics, i will look for the books that you mentioned. Thank you.
  2. D

    What is the life of a young mathematician in Venezuela like?

    I´m currently studying math in collage, i´m in my second semester
  3. D

    Mext Scholarship: Get Help Preparing for Physics Exam

    This year I am triyng to obtain the mext scholarship. One of the requeriments is going truth a lot of exams, one of them is the physics one, when i saw the previous test , i realized that with my current knowledge i can not even get a 30/100. In my country most of the subjects on the test are...
  4. D

    What is the life of a young mathematician in Venezuela like?

    Hello, my name is Daniel, i am 19 years old i also live in Venezuela.