Recent content by DaMeekie

  1. DaMeekie

    B What are the properties and equations of a 4-dimensional cube?

    In response to Philip A straight line in a 2+ dimensional plane is an angle it's at 180º The 90º In a square is obvious The 45º (technically 60º from 2d standpoint) angle shows when you superimpose the back parimeter into the foreground. This is a somewhat constant when looking at the cube...
  2. DaMeekie

    B What are the properties and equations of a 4-dimensional cube?

    So you say because a cube such as this one does not actually have 90º because it is on 2d paper? True if you figured the actual angle is truly 120º which is not = 90º. However when you draw out the other three lines to finish the cube as if there were no surfaces it would look like this...
  3. DaMeekie

    B What are the properties and equations of a 4-dimensional cube?

    I need further iteration for that to make any sense. I hope you also realize that this isn't a solid surface this is just lines and points. Just like a lattice structure. It is possible to model a 3 dimensional space on 2 dimensions. With proper angles and lengths to keep congruencies. I see 3D...
  4. DaMeekie

    B What are the properties and equations of a 4-dimensional cube?

    To note when I say a perfect bird's eye view. Which is looking directly at the focal center from a perpendicular angle. Any three dimensional crystal lattice with a perfect shape such as a cube or a sphere would appear the same in both 2 and 3 dimension
  5. DaMeekie

    B What are the properties and equations of a 4-dimensional cube?

    We all have a pretty good understanding about our three dimensions. First starting off with 0D or a point in space = 360º. Then 1D being a line = 180º. Moving to 2D such as a square = 90º. Finally ending with 3D = 45º. It is important to state that finding these angles requires the viewer to...
  6. DaMeekie

    Can Infinity Be Measured Through Geometric Concepts?

    This idea has been bothering me for a while, it started when I thought that if there was an infinite amount of space inside of an inch. ( or even any measurement in the physical world ) Then I thought that maybe that's not a fair argument on the basis that quantum theory says planks length "h"...
  7. DaMeekie

    I Found a formula for all primes

    To start let's use this trick to find a sequence of primes 11+13-7=17 This trick starts with prime 11 and the next in sequence 13. After you add them together to get 24 you subtract 7 which is the prime in sequence before 11, and you will get the answer 17. Now this will find every single prime...
  8. DaMeekie

    I Understanding Infinity: Is Every Number Included?

    Assuming that this next statement is correct, that there are an infinite amount of numbers between the numbers "1 and 2", and another, different set of infinite numbers between "2 and 3". All I'm trying to take out of this is that infinity doesn't necessarily mean every number, but at the...
  9. DaMeekie

    B Can a particle exist without time

    I was wondering about entangled particles or particles with superposition being able to communicate nonlocally, and then thought about space and time. I know Einstein says that space and time are one in the same called spacetime. He also states that something that travels the speed of light...
  10. DaMeekie

    Connecting with Science Enthusiasts: Let's Talk Science!

    Merry July 29th! Hey, I'm just a normal science enthusiast looking for other kinds of people who are enthusiastic about science. If you meet the match say hello, maybe we can figure out something important.