Recent content by Daine

  1. D

    B What is dark energy in the fabric of space-time?

    I know that according to Einstein's theory of relativity, space-time is like a fabric which can be pliable. Gravity is the shape, or the warping of that fabric. In this analogy, what would dark energy (the unknown form of energy that is causing the universe to expand) be?
  2. D

    Other What are possible research questions to pursue in cosmology?

    Hi all! I am currently trying to figure out a possible original research question that I can pursue in cosmology. I don't have ready access to a particle accelerator or anything like that so I would assume that it would have to be theoretical. I am sorry to ask such a broad question, but I don't...
  3. D

    Programs What Are Current Issues Whose Answers Lie in Physics?

    Thank you so much for your insight, everyone. It is greatly appreciated!
  4. D

    Programs What Are Current Issues Whose Answers Lie in Physics?

    I have decided that I want to pursue a career in physics and chemistry. It is very important to me that my career helps people. While I know that there are current testing and research being done for cures and treatments to numerous diseases, I don' think that biology is the field for me. Thus I...