Recent content by dahemar4

  1. D

    A Interpretation of the EM tensor as a rotation matrix

    Thank you for your detailed explanation, I think the point with gravitation is clear now. I also have understood that a force is a generator of Lorentz transformations provided it does not change the mass of the particle it acts upon, but I've still got some doubts: according to Wikipedia, the...
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    A Interpretation of the EM tensor as a rotation matrix

    I see. So, for instance, a "gravitational field tensor" (I don't know if this is used in some existing theory) would also be anti-symmetric?
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    A Interpretation of the EM tensor as a rotation matrix

    That is, including gravity? Isn't the Einstein tensor in general relativity symmetric? Could you give another example of correlations between forces and Lorentz boosts?
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    A Interpretation of the EM tensor as a rotation matrix

    In special relativity, the electromagnetic field is represented by the tensor $$F^{\mu\nu} = \begin{pmatrix}0 & -E_{x} & -E_{y} & -E_{z}\\ E_{x} & 0 & -B_{z} & B_{y}\\ E_{y} & B_{z} & 0 & -B_{x}\\ E_{z} & -B_{y} & B_{x} & 0 \end{pmatrix}$$ which is an anti-symmetric matrix. Recalling the...
  5. D

    What topics can I explore at Physics Forums?

    Hi there! I'm a physics undergraduate student. I'm mainly focused on theoretical physics and mathematics, but I'm interested in a little bit of everything.