Recent content by Daark Nova

  1. D

    State Your Opinion on String Theory

    and explain it please. thank you.
  2. D

    State Your Opinion on String Theory

    can everyone please state your opinion about string theory
  3. D

    Convert matter to energy and back into matter

    this could be a good way of travel
  4. D

    Convert matter to energy and back into matter

    Do u think it is possible to convert matter to energy and back into matter the same way without harm?
  5. D

    When do u think the first space ship will be built

    so when do u think the first spaceship will be built. how are they going to make it hover?
  6. D

    Galaxy was headed at us at like 100 times faster than a bullet

    so i heard that a galaxy was headed at us at like 100 times faster than a bullet. so what happens when it gets to us. Earth would be dead by then. mankind with it probably. but what happens to the galaxy?
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    Exploring Space: Mankind's Unknown Future

    is it so smart to send a machine into unexplored space wit hinfo about Earth and mankind and all that stuff. like they did with voyager or pioneer or w/e it was they sent past saturn and into deep space. i mean who knows what's out there. but by the time it reaches any other galaxy eaarth would...
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    In The Future Beyond The Dark Era

    What the hell does all that mean?
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    Turning Matter into Energy and Back: Is It Possible?

    is it possible to make matter into energy and turn it back?
  10. D

    I have a Question about the big bang theory

    undefinedundefinedundefined So. how can all the matter in the whole universe be compressed into one small little ball. all the matter in the UNIVERSE. it seems impossible. but I am sure a lot of u guys have a lot of ideas. maybe all the matter in the universe was under a great deal of force...