Recent content by D English

  1. D

    B How to shorten this speech about BH?

    I would also suggest a total re-write that considers your audience. No buzz words, just easy to swallow facts. For example, "A black hole is a star of a certain size that has expended all of it's fuel."
  2. D

    I Electrons Emitting Photons And Ambient Light

    Is that all? :) Thanks for the guidance.
  3. D

    I Electrons Emitting Photons And Ambient Light

    Thanks Peter. I thought I had stumbled upon a revelation and got excited. I needed feedback. What would you suggest as a good few steps back"? A statement of qualification, as I am bound to come up with more dumb questions. I will never come here looking for an argument, and I will never...
  4. D

    I Electrons Emitting Photons And Ambient Light

    I started thinking the same thing after I wrote it. Sorry- I'm trying to connect the idea of QED (as I understand it) -that electrons emit photons- with the light that surrounds us, and I'm far from being able to articulate that intelligibly. Perhaps the best way to say it is...does QED...
  5. D

    I Electrons Emitting Photons And Ambient Light

    Ambient for lack of a better term... I'm reading "Beyond The Cosmic Landscape". Perhaps out of date, but a very understandable explanation of QED. Am I right to deduce that the air which surrounds us is jam-packed with electrons emitting photons? Thanks...
  6. D

    B Sgr A Relativistic Jets Visible?

    Thanks Chalnoth! I should have been more clear. I mean, would we see the jets in our sky? For example, if Sgr A were doing this:
  7. D

    B Sgr A Relativistic Jets Visible?

    Hello, Question: If Sgr A were to emit relativistic jets, say... to a 90 degree angle from what we see as the Milky Way, how visible would that be to us on Earth? The pictures I see on the internet suggest that the jets are about twice as long as galaxies themselves. This makes me think that...
  8. D

    Possible webpage title: Exploring the Fascinating World of Star Clusters I like to follow references in the article to other places. Also, there is material referenced, and other links. Following all that stuff to wherever it leads you ought to give exactly what you're looking for.
  9. D

    First Hyper Velocity Star Cluster Observed

    I thought this was pretty neat: From the abstract: We report the discovery of an object near M87 in the Virgo Cluster with an extraordinary blueshift of -1025 km/s...
  10. D

    Yosemite Valley: Formed by Graben or Glaciers?

    Right! So now I'm looking for peer-reviewed or likewise suitable documentation. I thought the community may know of a repository like arXiv. I couldn't find anything on it in arXiv. Thanks for humoring me...
  11. D

    Yosemite Valley: Formed by Graben or Glaciers?

    Thanks for the reply 256. Yes, read the Wiki, that's how I was able to accurately term "graben". I haven't been able to find any sites that go into depth on the Yosemite valley being formed by graben. My query lies in my belief that the television show I saw was a recent production, and seemed...
  12. D

    Yosemite Valley: Formed by Graben or Glaciers?

    I recall watching a program on TV that said the Yosemite Valley was formed by graben as opposed to being carved out by a glacier. I wanted to look into it further, but haven't been able to find anything in the first several pages of Professor Google's archives. Is anyone familiar with this, or...
  13. D

    Smallest Body Possible to Have Rings

    Awesome link Simon, very easy to understand. Thank you.
  14. D

    What are the mysterious properties of Dark Matter?

    I read a paper on arXiv that what Dark Energy does is described in GR, but Einstein didn't believe it (steady-state universe was still in vogue), so he created the cosmological constant.
  15. D

    How do we know how old the universe is?

    Start here: :)