Recent content by Cygni

  1. C

    Schools Looking for universities in germany

    Try looking into Heidelberg or LMU (Ludwig Maximilians University) they have very good physics programmes there.
  2. C

    Dispersion relation and group velocity

    Thanks for your reply, Polyrhythmic, I understand the reasoning behind the example you have showed, which is fine, it proves easily that I'm wrong. But could you elaborate more on why one can't simply divide those two relations? Thanks in advance, Kind regards, Cygni.
  3. C

    Dispersion relation and group velocity

    Hello there PF readers, The group velocity for example of electron waves is given by the derivative of the dispersion relation: \frac{dE}{dp}=v (this is for free electrons) ^{1}. Now the Heisenberg's uncertainty principle has two forms, one for position and momentum and the other for energy...
  4. C

    Summer getting too hard for you? Post your Fall Schedule to cool down

    This looks insane, i must say, I am a bit jealous.
  5. C

    Summer getting too hard for you? Post your Fall Schedule to cool down

    Force and Function at the Nanoscale Autumn Principles of Dynamics Autumn Classical Fields Full Year Intermediate Experimental Physics Full Year The Quantum World Full Year Thermal and Statistical...
  6. C

    MSc Aerospace Engineering in Cranfield UK

    As far as I've heard/read around, Cranfield is reputable for engineering courses. Quote: "54% of all aerospace engineering postgraduates and 25% of all agricultural and environmental sciences postgraduates in the UK graduate at Cranfield", Source: ("Cranfield University 2008 Prospectus"...
  7. C

    Strategies in learning physics

    This a brilliant idea, I will definately try this, thanks very much!
  8. C

    Strategies in learning physics

    Hey Goldbeetle, thanks for the reply I do collect all of my solutions to the exercises, the problem with this is that I do quite a lot of them so they accumulate in a great amount, I want to find ways how I could do the same amount of questions, have them saved but save the space. The...
  9. C

    Strategies in learning physics

    Dear PF readers, I have finished my first year physics at university and will start my second year in the beginning of this autumn. Whilst my exam results for this year were excellent, I am not completely satisfied with my methods of learning - I personally think there are more efficient...
  10. C

    Importing a laptop from USA into UK

    Hello there, I am considering to import a laptop from USA into UK. I understand that due to different regions the software may be different. Is it hard to alter this without reinstalling the software? In addition, I have read that by importing this product to UK I would need to pay custom duty...
  11. C

    Limit of sin(3x)/π-x as x approaches π

    Since for x = pi => sin(3pi) = 0 and pi - pi = 0 one can apply I'Hopital's rule by differentiating the top and the bottom expressions.
  12. C

    Cold Atoms Research: Overview & Developments

    For example trapping and cooling atoms very close to the surface of microfabricated devices, so called Atom Chips. The physics of low dimensional bosonic and fermionic quantum gases, gases with dipolar interactions, and non-equilibrium quantum dynamics and in applications like sensors...
  13. C

    Cold Atoms Research: Overview & Developments

    Hello PF readers, Could anyone enlighten me on this specific field of research in physics? I am particularly interested how new/old this field is, current developments, major theories/models/predictions motivating the research, obstacles if any, the saturation of the field? Thanks in...
  14. C

    Can Eigenvalues and Determinants Determine the Elements of a Square Matrix?

    Hello, Given that we have some matrix M with unknown real elements a, b, c, d and we know its eigenvalues \lambda_{1} and \lambda_{1} (no eigenvectors though) and the value of the determinant is it possible to find the elements and hence the matrix M using this informaiton? Thanks
  15. C

    Differential Galois Theory: exp(-x^2) has no elementary antiderivative

    Hey Kowalski, i found some decent papers about galois theory. You may find them on this website