Recent content by cw1690

  1. C

    Compressor section of gas turbine engine duct shaoes

    Thanks for the late reply to this, I have managed to understand this now. Thanks for your help anyways
  2. C

    It feels like M.E. undergrad degree is a JOKE

    go work for a suppermarket
  3. C

    Exploring Jet Propulsion: Building a Replica Model of a Hero's Engine

    Dont do a project that is way off the scale, choice something that you can put all your effort into and don't get board of too easy. A good project would be stalling characteristics of the different types of wing platforms. I recently done a design and analysis project got allot out of it.
  4. C

    Compressor section of gas turbine engine duct shaoes

    why convergent rather than divergent? is this to maintain the constant air velocity. Can someone explain this better to me. Would be helpfull
  5. C

    Aerospace Projects: Ideas for Third-Year Aircraft Engineering Student

    Hi there I've came up with the idea of investigating into how the pitot static system and gyroscopic system works and what instrumentation they operate. Also the electronic flight display how this operates and investigating into future flight deck instrumentation. Would there be anything else...
  6. C

    What are some project ideas for a third year aircraft engineering student?

    Hiy guys thanks for the ideas. I've came up with the idea of investigating into how the pitot static system works and gyroscopic systems work and what instrumentation they operate. The electronic flight display how this operates and investigating into future flight deck instrumentation. The...
  7. C

    What are some project ideas for a third year aircraft engineering student?

    No mate that's sounding good. Just trying to get some ideas together not easy...
  8. C

    What are some project ideas for a third year aircraft engineering student?

    Hiy therre thanks for the reply I'm thinking of anything really with particular refrencee to aviation,something new or evaluating. I do like your idea tho
  9. C

    Aerospace Projects: Ideas for Third-Year Aircraft Engineering Student

    Hiy there I'm a third year aircraft engineering student and looking for some project ideas. I'm am more mechanically minded so something mechanically or design and test based, how ever I'm open to avionics based things aswell. thanks a lot. Cw
  10. C

    What are some project ideas for a third year aircraft engineering student?

    Hi there looking for some ideas on a project. I am a third year aircraft engineering student. Lookin for something mechanical or design and test based, I am open to all ideas tho. Your help would be appreciated thanks cw