Recent content by curioso

  1. C

    Medical Can breath-holding cause the bends?

    Though you are not breathing in pressurized nitrogen at the surface, the nitrogen in your lungs becomes pressurized with increasing water depth. Conceivably with repetitive deep diving of long duration, some of this nitrogen can go into solution in body water, particularly if intervals at the...
  2. C

    Quantum Physics: Energy in Packets

    I would like to extend the question. When a photon is absorbed by an electron, making the electron more energetic, does this increase the mass of the electron? Curioso
  3. C

    Do photons really bounce and bend? A question for physicists

    Born2bwire Thanks again. I'm not familiar with Huygen's principle. I'll have to check that out. What you've said about wave induction of currents, secondary waves, interference etc. computes for me. Will continue to ponder. Curioso
  4. C

    Why does glass refract and reflect light?

    This if for JerryClower. Your post in response to this question is fascinating. However, there is one thing I don't understand. You said: An electron absorbs the energy of the photon and sends it back out the way it came in (reflection) If an electron absorbs the energy of the...
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    Nuclear Reactions: Energy from Mass Difference

    I too have found the concept of "binding energy" quite confusing, so I will share a realization which I think helped me with it. I think confusion as to what binding energy is arises due to the definition of binding energy. By convention, positive binding energy is defined as the amount of...
  6. C

    Do photons really bounce and bend? A question for physicists

    Dr, Mr or Ms Born2bwire... Thanks for this. It gives me lots to ponder! Curioso
  7. C

    Do photons really bounce and bend? A question for physicists

    I am not a physicist but I do have a non-mathematical science background and I am a serious physics appreciator. I am new to this site and have a pressing question I would like to ask a physicist. High school and even college level physics texts desribe the reflection and refraction of light...