Recent content by Crumbles

  1. Crumbles

    Setting Up a Blog: Software Options & Reviews

    Thanks! Are you familiar with Drupal? I got round to trying it but it doesn't seem to be able to do what I want. I am trying to set up a site with three different blogs but I do not want to allow users to have their own blogs on the site. I am looking into tools like b2evolution and...
  2. Crumbles

    Setting Up a Blog: Software Options & Reviews

    blogger ftp I found" on Blogger. Does anyone use the ftp function on Blogger? Does it give you full control of the page on your site where it posts the blog or is it just like it would have been like posting in Blogger itself. The reason I...
  3. Crumbles

    Setting Up a Blog: Software Options & Reviews

    I am trying to set up a blog. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of the different software available out there, like 'Simple PHP Blog', 'Blogsphere' etc. I want to be able to host the blog myself so I am not keen on Blogger and the other free hosted blogging tools out there...
  4. Crumbles

    Mac Problems: Crashes and Uninstalling Software

    Thanks for that loseyourname! Just wish this post was here about a month ago! I went through the same confusion about how OSX handles program installations. But I do like Adium! It let's me connect to all the different IM services in the one program and looks real sleek too!
  5. Crumbles

    Mac Problems: Crashes and Uninstalling Software

    I recently started using a mac too and yeah the latency of the track pad drove me nuts! It took forever to move from one edge of the screen to the other. But I eventually found an add on that fixes that." Upon installation, it adds an option in...
  6. Crumbles

    How to Unzip an ACE File in Windows XP

    I don't think Win XP compression features can deal with .ace files. As far as I'm aware it can only handle .zip files. You need WinRAR for .ace files. You can get it as a trial version.
  7. Crumbles

    Parallel Worlds: A Question From Olbers' Paradox

    I don't get the speed limit thing either. I mean why would you say that the speed of space expanding outward is infinite relative to the nothingness? I mean if you take a piece of stretchy material and stretch it, the speed of the expansion of its edge relative to the outside world = the...
  8. Crumbles

    Parallel Worlds: A Question From Olbers' Paradox

    Have you got any documentation on this?
  9. Crumbles

    Parallel Worlds: A Question From Olbers' Paradox

    That was exactly my point. I have always heard claims that CBR observed nowdays dates from very shortly after the time of creation. But after some reading from here it seems that it actually dates from about a few hundred thousand years after the big bang. So it would then make sense that it...
  10. Crumbles

    Parallel Worlds: A Question From Olbers' Paradox

    My question is centered on the fact that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. At the time of the big bang, we were created as was everything else, including the cosmic background radiation. So bearing in mind that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, how did we get...
  11. Crumbles

    Parallel Worlds: A Question From Olbers' Paradox

    I understand that background radiation that we observe actually dates from the time of the creation of the universe (The Big Bang). I also understand that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. My question is how did we (the solar system) get here before the radiation did...
  12. Crumbles

    Schools University of British Columbia

    Computer Science Prospects in Canada Hi guys! I would like to know what you people think the prospects in Canada are in the field of Computer Science. I mean are there reasonable job prospects in that field in Canada? I have just graduated in Physics from the University of Birmingham in the...
  13. Crumbles

    Changing Earth Orbit July 06 Is this for real?

    If we can alter the Earth's orbit to be slightly further from the sun, it could solve climate issues such as global warming etc..
  14. Crumbles

    Changing Earth Orbit July 06 Is this for real?

    Ha ha! I like it! Can't wait for the 20th July of next year to watch a bunch of blisfully ignorant fools jumping thinking it's going to do something! :smile:
  15. Crumbles

    Changing Earth Orbit July 06 Is this for real?

    Ok so basically if they gather enough people with no brains out there and they actually jump, it wouldn't help the Earth's orbit at all but just result in some stupid earthquake!