Recent content by cpscdave

  1. cpscdave

    QNX & SQLite (On NAND flash drive)

    I looked into this a bit more and it looks as if you can compile SQLite to work with NAND drives by setting -DSQLITE_TEMP_STORE=3 More info can be found here: But basically setting it to 3 SQLite will keep all temp files in memory as opposed to writing...
  2. cpscdave

    QNX & SQLite (On NAND flash drive)

    Why this was raised was the thought that appending to these files would cause the OS to copy the entire file to a new physical location and then add the little extra bit it. Only reason I could think of why the OS would do this is to keep the drive non-fragmented to maintain performance.
  3. cpscdave

    QNX & SQLite (On NAND flash drive)

    Wondering if anyone knows anything about this. It was mentioned to me in passing. That on QNX, with an ETFS file system when you append to a file, that it completely rewrites that entire file to another location on the Drive. This presenting an issue with extra NAND flash writes ultimately...
  4. cpscdave

    MySQL: Best way to warehouse older data

    Thanks for the feedbacks! I had thought about pre-adding the index, but been having some problems with the connection timing out. I just got it to work by running the query locally on the machine, vs from a remote computer. Adding the index has drastically improved the performance of the...
  5. cpscdave

    MySQL: Best way to warehouse older data

    Hi everyone, I have a MySQL DB with a couple of large tables (a couple hundred million rows). Each row has a timestamp associated with it. Since this is just historical data, and not needed we want to copy older data into another database, and then delete the copied records. I've written a...
  6. cpscdave

    Any issues dual booting a new laptop?

    For work I had to go get a new windows 10 laptop for various reasons. I'd also like to add Ubuntu 16 on it and dual boot. Anyone know of any reasons why this might be a problem? I remember reading a while back concerns about UEFI bios stuff locking up the computer. I'm getting tired...
  7. cpscdave

    Why is my Digikey website not working on my new laptop with Windows 7?

    Haha should've suggested you start with that. I don't know if this problem persists in newer hardware but I remember the ol' Linksys WRT-54g router used to have an issue where the routing table could fill up and cause issues. Glad you got it fixed!
  8. cpscdave

    Why is my Digikey website not working on my new laptop with Windows 7?

    open up a command prompt and run: ping and tracert and post the results
  9. cpscdave

    Why is my Digikey website not working on my new laptop with Windows 7?

    Chances are that your ISP's DNS is having issues and has the wrong IP listing for Digikey. I'd suggest you set your DNS's to and Both google DNS's I have historically had issues with ISP DNS's and I always just switch my computers to those as a rule now
  10. cpscdave

    The Boolean Algebra XOR Problem: Are These Expressions Equivalent?

    Think you mean (x OR y) AND [NOT ( x AND y)] or alternatively (x OR y) AND ( NOT x or NOT y)
  11. cpscdave

    The Boolean Algebra XOR Problem: Are These Expressions Equivalent?

    Did you try building a truth table? If you do you'll see that your answer is different from the book's answer. For example ABC = 0,1,0 The book answer gives 1 Your answer results in 0
  12. cpscdave

    Need help with short comic plot ideas for a gamer's birthday?

    I don't know if this has been done before. I'm sure it has since its kind of an obvious pun. But how about an epic tale of a persons arduous journey to find the best Raspberry Pie in the world. Only to end up getting a pie full of pi's? You could pair this by going to the store and getting...
  13. cpscdave

    C/C++ C++ Stack and Queue Tutorial for Beginners

    Not to flog a dead horse here... But textbooks is the way to go. What worked best for me was to take the examples from the books. Run them as described, see how they run. Then tinker with the code, change things and see the result. But you'll need to find your own way to learn :)
  14. cpscdave

    Python Cover All Exceptions: Python Error Logging

    Haha that might actually not be a bad idea. This is the classic case of I want a few weeks to test, and I have a few days :P I'm going to add some GOTO's just to make my fall from grace complete. And who needs comments in the code??
  15. cpscdave

    Python Cover All Exceptions: Python Error Logging

    I feel a bit dirty asking this.. But I've written a fairly large program that is going to be deployed in a few weeks. Its a headless server. I've done error checking throughout the code where I am aware of it, but I'm worried about the things I have missed. Is there a way in python I can get...