Recent content by CowedbyWisdom

  1. C

    How can we tell if the universe is rotating?

    Isn't it also true that man has not been recording the heavens long enough in order to determine the rotation of something that large? Isn't that the type of thing you would have to record the movements of over at least 100,000 years+/-? Couldn't in theory the universe itself be a rotating...
  2. C

    Are black holes bound to galactic revolution?

    Thanks for the responses. I'm sorry my english is not the best. You have answered all of my questions basically. I have a couple more though if you don't mind. What determines the traveling speed of a star? If black holes are not bound to stillness does that mean that black holes can travel...
  3. C

    Are black holes bound to galactic revolution?

    A couple of quick questions after watching a video on the helectic model that the solar system follows on it's course around the galactic center. Please bare with me these maybe idiotic questions. A) Are black holes bound to the spin of the galaxy or do they sit in place on the galactic plane...
  4. C

    Stargazing Zhumell Z12 vs Meade Light Bridge 10

    Thanks for the response. To answer your question, I don't find the goto scopes necessary or fun. I like doing my own star finding and am not interested in astrophotography. Since I doubt there is anyway to upgrade my little refractor to make it up to snuff with a 10 or 12 inch dob (?) I felt...
  5. C

    Stargazing Zhumell Z12 vs Meade Light Bridge 10

    Hey guys! I am interested in buying another telescope and was wondering if any of you had any advice about either of the two I'm split between. It seems to simply come down to a quality? vs aperture argument. The first scope is a Zhumell Z12 with a 12 inch aperture seen here...
  6. C

    Duke University Astronomy 101 Online Course

    Nice catch! I just signed up! Coursera also offers a Cosmology and Galaxy class and a Astrobiology class.
  7. C

    Stargazing Bought Orion AstroView 90mm, good?

    Thanks for all the great advice everyone! I have gotten pretty good at finding stuff with the telescope. So far I have seen Jupiter, Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Pleiades, Luna (can't wait for the harvest moon), Vega, Deneb, Altair, Aldebaran, Polaris (obviously), and a few others I don't...
  8. C

    Stargazing Bought Orion AstroView 90mm, good?

    Thanks I appreciate the advice! What would you suggest I do to stiffen up the legs? Do you think velcro ankle weights would do the trick?
  9. C

    Stargazing Bought Orion AstroView 90mm, good?

    Hey ya'll. I just ordered up this telescope and am waiting for it to come in the mail now. What do you guys...
  10. C

    Astronomy Resources for Learning & Research

    Thanks for the links mate! Here is something really exciting! FREE intro to astronomy online course from Duke University.
  11. C

    What is the width of the Lagrange points?

    Hello everyone! I just finishexd reading Death By Black Hole and I was interested in the Lagrange points. Neil talks about how if you placed objects inside of them you could use the points as place holders for objects while building in space. I couldn't seem to find anything about the width of...
  12. C

    Speed Of Light In Relation To The Size Of The Universe

    Thanks guy's you have answered my question sufficiently about that. -Jack
  13. C

    Speed Of Light In Relation To The Size Of The Universe

    Hello Everyone. This is my first post started on this site. Please, please, please excuse my ignorance but I couldn't seem to find the answer to my question online (although I'm sure it is). If the size of the know universe has a diameter of 93 billion lightyears with a radius in accordance to...
  14. C

    Where did all the Earths water come from? Some new info I found on Science Daily. Hope this is helpful.
  15. C

    Finding Solace in Favourite Quotes: Escaping Despair with Words of Wisdom

    "A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast and bulbous." -Captain Beefheart