Recent content by Cornellian

  1. C

    Calculating Vibration in Water Flowing Pipes for Noise Comparison

    Unless this is a homework problem I can't picture this being a big problem in reality. However, if it is for research/homework than you'd have to determine the turbulence in the flow of the water. Which can depend on variables such as, speed of water, design of the pipe, etc. For instance...
  2. C

    Why Does the Torque Curve Drop Off at Low RPM in a Typical Piston Engine?

    The behavior of Torque and Power vs. RPM depends on many things. However, there are only 2 ways the analysis of an engine can be broken down. 1) Thermodynamic Analysis 2) Dynamic Analysis. Some of the members have mentioned some variables from thermodynamic point of view. But, having designed...
  3. C

    Flywheel weight,power and torque

    Torque is increased either by increasing the radius of the flywheel or applying more force. Which, in turn effects the power. If you actually took any 2 sets of data point from that graph for Torque and converted to HP, you'll get what's shown on the graph. The only thing making the flywheel...
  4. C

    Why Do Men Stay Childish?

    Heck...why would I want to grow up?? :smile: I am 22, and yea, I watch Tom and Jerry, Looney Tunes...brings back good memories! I play video games too...(includes Mario :biggrin:). Being a kid is fun... and I still don't consider myself old. Maybe, I'll think about it when I'm 60+...
  5. C

    History History of Science to be re-written?

    Well... the evidence lies not in books but all you have to do is look at the structures they built! I would be interested in knowing how one acomplishes all those tasks without the use of basic math. Yes, you can probably argue that since, he was a clever fellow, he may have just used practical...
  6. C

    History History of Science to be re-written?

    Yea, all good points made here but, with the example of gunpowder or noodles... I think that we don't give credit to the Chinese. Well...maybe now we do since we know but, up until recently that was not the case. Egyptians may not have "Technically" discovered theories but, it is still...
  7. C

    History History of Science to be re-written?

    Well... I just came upon that article as I was reading some other stuff. But, it does seem like some of the stuff that has been said is probably true for example, days in a year, distance of Earth to sun, etc... I'm not saying that ALL the stuff is true but, I don't think that ALL of it is...
  8. C

    History History of Science to be re-written?

    History of be re-written? Found this on Wikipedia while reading bunch of articles. It amazes me that many theories and ideas that we *Claim* to have been recent discoveries (i.e. 1400AD-late 1800's) seem to...
  9. C

    Exploring the Natural Limit of Time

    Time is defintely infinite in my book... here's why... Even if you say time must have stopped or freezed at the beginning and end of the universe but, there had to have been some energy and if you look at the atomic view of things than you'd see time. There has to be some activity in the...
  10. C

    Building a Toy Car to Navigate a Course

    Use the motor to drive the car and use it so that it turns the tires on 2 different sides in such a manner so that at the right time they turn in opposite direction and you can make a 180 degree turn. Think about how a Tank turns...:wink:
  11. C

    Things that a mechanical engineer must know for sure

    HAHA... This is Hilarious!:smile:
  12. C

    Schools Is it possible to maintain a perfect GPA in your college?

    It's ALMOST impossible to maintain A or A+ in Cornell. Unless you're one of those people who stand out 1 in 50 or so. Professors pretty much DON'T won't you to get an A+ let alone an A. In order to get an A+ at Cornell, you better know more than the TA's or equivalent and impress the heck out of...
  13. C

    Schools Questions about admission to Cornell University

    Well... I may not be able to answer your question specifically about physics but, I went to Cornell for B.S in Mech Eng. My roomate is doing PhD in Physics at Cornell and he also did undergrad at Cornell so, it was a little easier for him to get in. However, I know that the PhD physics...
  14. C

    Is Memorizing Equations the Best Way to Succeed in Physics?

    Yes, I agree with people who said that exams DO matter but, your overall intellectual achievment from school and other activities matter more. IMO. Because some people are good at taking exams but others are not due to pressure...