Recent content by connornm777

  1. C

    Is There Hope for Forgiveness After a Cheating and Lying Girlfriend?

    Well, she was somewhat depressed before and after the incident. She was also pretty passive aggressive and unpleasant to be around in general during this time period. However, other than that couple months it has been a great relationship. While regular sex is nice, I think the best part is...
  2. C

    Is There Hope for Forgiveness After a Cheating and Lying Girlfriend?

    We are both 20. Still young I suppose, but past the painfully awkward years of relationships.
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    Is There Hope for Forgiveness After a Cheating and Lying Girlfriend?

    So I talked to her yesterday, and we both agreed to not see each other for awhile. We are just going to try and get used to life without the other person, but with possibility of getting back together after the school year. This is what I kept asking myself, and I really think a lot of the...
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    Is There Hope for Forgiveness After a Cheating and Lying Girlfriend?

    Actually, that one can work in practice with me. I understand the appeal and excitement of doing things with new people, and in the past it has re-sparked relationships after they start getting boring. What I'm upset about here was her lying and intentionally doing something that, for all...
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    Is There Hope for Forgiveness After a Cheating and Lying Girlfriend?

    I recently found out that my girlfriend of a year has cheated on me a few months ago and then lied to my face about it. Even though all she actually did was make out, she did it with four guys on the same night. The next day she had this hickey on her neck, and told me that it was I who...
  6. C

    Programs Keeping up with courses un-related to your major.

    Thanks for all the responses so far, it's refreshing to hear from others who can connect, and it's helpful to receive advice and new ways of looking at it. Yes, I think that's what I'm going to be doing. I just have this mentality that college is supposed to be about being trained in a...
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    Programs Keeping up with courses un-related to your major.

    Yes, this is true. Sorry, this rant-post was half motivated by me just kind of being angry that my GPA was being brought down by these classes. I'm a bit calmer now. I guess your right though, saying they are pointless just makes them more difficult...
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    Programs Keeping up with courses un-related to your major.

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone had tips for dealing with credits that are just required for your curriculum. I'm an Electrical Engineer Major, and usually get pretty good grades in my math, physics, and programming courses, but then my GPA is pulled down by classes like jogging, deaf culture...
  9. C

    Is there a logical way of understanding how randomness could agree with causality

    Yea, I'd have to say I'm with jadrian on this one. Quantum Mechanics always bugged me, especially when it's interpreted as literally random and not just an approximation. Does anybody know any equations from Quantum Theory that may make it easier to understand (and if possible explained to...
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    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    Yes, I suppose your right pongo... It's pretty similar classes either way, I just need to work on sucking it up when the work becomes stressful. For some reason I had the silly idea that being a physics major would make the classes more interesting and fun, because thinking about why all the...
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    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    I'm currently a freshmen with an electrical engineer major, but I've been debating whether to switch to a physics major. I am much more of a 'why' person than a 'how' person, and I find the idea of strenuously chasing after the mysteries of the universe to be deeply poetic in sense, and...