Recent content by Confusedalways

  1. C

    MHB Show this matrix is isomorphic to complex number

    So the question is show that $$S=\left\{ \begin{pmatrix} a & b\\ -b & a \end{pmatrix} :a,b \in \Bbb{R} ,\text{ not both zero}\right\}$$ is isomorphic to $\Bbb{C}^*$, which is a non-zero complex number considered as a group under multiplication So I've shown that it is a group homomorphism by...
  2. C

    MHB Series Convergence: Ratio Test & Lim. n→∞

    I'm trying to determine if \sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\frac{{n}^{10}}{{2}^{n}} converges or diverges. I did the ratio test but I'm left with determining \lim_{{n}\to{\infty}}\frac{(n+1)^{10}}{2n^{10}} Any suggestions??
  3. C

    MHB Permutation question concerning cycle shapes

    Consider the subset of $S_4$ defined by $$K_4=\{(1)(2)(3)(4),(12)(34),(13)(24),(14)(23)\}$$ Show that for all $f \in K_4$ and all $h \in S_4$, we have $h^{-1}fh \in K_4$ I showed all the possible cycle shapes of h and am trying to show that $h^{-1}fh$ must always have cycle shape $(2,2)$...