Recent content by Compressible

  1. C

    Why is rigid body rotational energy not exactly applicable to fluids?

    The model isn't so far from actual physics though (in some scenarios). A forced vortex generally rotates at a constant angular velocity (assuming no turbulence).
  2. C

    Why is rigid body rotational energy not exactly applicable to fluids?

    Ah, I got you. So if we were to assume that a column of liquid that had no radial velocity and that all its parts were moving at the same tangential velocity (for example, a column of liquid jet exiting an infinitely long pipe where the flow has been fully established), then 0.5*I*ω^2 would give...
  3. C

    Why is rigid body rotational energy not exactly applicable to fluids?

    I'm not sure what you're trying to say. Why would the radial elements contribute to the rotational energy? They should be completely independent of tangential (v*r) motion.
  4. C

    Why is rigid body rotational energy not exactly applicable to fluids?

    Yeah but radial and tangential motion are perpendicular to each other, so they should be able to be assessed separately (similar to translational and rotational motion).
  5. C

    Why is rigid body rotational energy not exactly applicable to fluids?

    I was thinking about the rotational kinetic energy of fluids the other day and I realized that I have a huge gap in my knowledge of physics. Why doesn't rigid body rotational kinetic energy (KE = 1/2*I*ω^2) not apply to fluids or deformable bodies (it should at least be proportional to that...
  6. C

    Books on Experimental Methods, Instruments, and Measurements

    I'm looking for some good quality books on experimental methods, instruments, and measurements for graduate level. Do you guys have any recommendations?
  7. C

    Finding The Hidden Inviscid Approximation In The General Thrust Equation

    In my attempt at reducing the overall post length, I skipped a lot of the intermediate steps in the derivation. If you look closely, the shear stress across As is not assumed to be zero. The equation simply states that the integral of shear stress over the entire control volume reduces down to...
  8. C

    US Air Force Hypersonic Test Fails

    I'd make the conjecture that although most countries are against militarizing space, it does not necessarily mean that some of them aren't doing it anyways. I'd say that it's highly probable that they have already started to do so. Case in point being that having satellites spy on other...
  9. C

    Finding The Hidden Inviscid Approximation In The General Thrust Equation

    Since there hasn't been any replies so far, I'll offer some of my thoughts to get the discussion going. Note that this isn't for any homework assignment; it's more for the sake of bettering my (and perhaps some of you guys') understanding of propulsion and thermodynamics. We all know that...
  10. C

    US Air Force Hypersonic Test Fails

    I'd imagine that this issue could be remedied via the use of satellites granted that the proper wavelength is used to properly penetrate Earth's lower atmosphere and that you could properly house the energy generator within the satellite.
  11. C

    US Air Force Hypersonic Test Fails

    I wouldn't really call it a waste. Any in-flight data acquired is useful data for the hypersonic regime. It is exceedingly difficult (and in some cases not currently possible) to simulate the flight conditions of a hypersonic vehicle in ground-based facilities. Getting flight data like this is a...
  12. C

    Finding The Hidden Inviscid Approximation In The General Thrust Equation

    Everyone knows the general thrust equation: T = {{\dot m}_i}\left[ {(1 + f){V_e} - {V_\infty }} \right] + ({P_e} - {P_\infty }){A_e} Where mdot_i is the incoming mass flow rate, f is the fuel flow rate, and the subscripts ∞ and e represent free-stream and exit conditions, respectively...
  13. C

    Third Order Non-Linear Homogeneous ODE

    Nevermind. Solved! Thanks for the help!
  14. C

    Third Order Non-Linear Homogeneous ODE

    Looking at it again, I think I found a way to solve the ODE, if the 1/C^2 constant wasn't there. Is there any way to define a new variable F that absorbs that constant value. If I can find a way to do that, then that ODE is easily solvable.