Recent content by coldboyqn

  1. C

    Centripetal vs Radial: Explaining Difference to Understand

    OK. I think that's enough for me. Thanks for responding. :D
  2. C

    Centripetal vs Radial: Explaining Difference to Understand

    So, the concepts "centripetal" and "radial" is almost the same but have a small difference that former only for 2-D phenomenon while the later may accept 3-D, right? But, if that true, while they said that, "This proves that centripetal acceleration is indeed radial (i.e acting along radial...
  3. C

    Understanding the Limit of 1/x as x Approaches 0: Uncovering the Error

    Oh, yes, I see. As the Taylor Series of \frac{1}{x^2} diverges at 0, I cannot simply multiply it with x to evaluate 1/x at 0, right? And it is unreasonable to multiply an expression that diverges (to \infty) with a variable that come to zero and conclude that the multiplied expression come to...
  4. C

    Understanding the Limit of 1/x as x Approaches 0: Uncovering the Error

    Surely the last limit isn't 0. But my problem is that the strange result I obtain when I treat \frac{1}{x} as x\times TaylorSeries\_of(\frac{1}{x^2}). I wonder where is my error when I calculate the limit by this method!
  5. C

    Understanding the Limit of 1/x as x Approaches 0: Uncovering the Error

    I see that if using the Taylor series above to determine the value of \lim_{\substack{x\rightarrow 0}}\frac{1}{x^2} we will obtain infinity, which is according?
  6. C

    Understanding the Limit of 1/x as x Approaches 0: Uncovering the Error

    I am doing something that I sure that I'm wrong, but I cannot realize the error. See as below: \frac{1}{x}=x\times\frac{1}{(x^2)} ________\(1\) Taylor Series of \frac{1}{x^2}: \frac{1}{x^2}=\frac{1}{\alpha}+\sum_{k=1}^\infty g(k)(x-\alpha)^k In which k is from 1 to infinity...
  7. C

    Centripetal vs Radial: Explaining Difference to Understand

    At I find: This information seem to be very clear to understand, but, then, they say that: (It is inside paragraph discuss about Direction of centripetal acceleration) It starts the confusion... I don't really know what do they mention? Can anyone...
  8. C

    Centripetal vs Radial: Explaining Difference to Understand

    Can anybody please explain me the difference between "centripetal" and "radial"? I get stuck in distinguishing them! centripetal force, centripetal acceleration... radial force, radial acceleration... I also don't understand why they say that "In uniform circular motion, the difference...