Recent content by cogneurodude

  1. C

    MATLAB Best way to learn MATLAB with little CS background

    So, I know I will have to learn MATLAB in grad school and be pretty proficient in it to do quantitative neuroimaging analyses. My question is: what can I do in the couple months before then to obtain a decent background for MATLAB, without having the program yet? I found an free online...
  2. C

    C/C++ Best approach for learning C++

    Thank you so much for your informative reply! I understand your points but I still feel pretty overwhelmed with learning C++. I don't have much of a programming background or quantitative background for that matter so that's probably my biggest problem. I'm starting to work through a Visual...
  3. C

    C/C++ Best approach for learning C++

    Thank you both for your replies! I downloaded Visual C++ 2005 from softonic and I started looking more into online C++ help and online forums. I like your suggestion,tylerH, about trying to write a simple program, but how do I even begin this task without a C++ textbook? The pdf book...
  4. C

    C/C++ Best approach for learning C++

    Hello all, I'll hopefully be attending a cognitive neuroscience PhD program next fall and I'd like to learn some programming beforehand (having programming skills helps for lots of neuroimaging labs) Labs I've worked in used UNIX and MATLAB and I'd really like to improve my knowledge before I...
  5. C

    EEGLAB Troubleshooting: Biopac Files to EEGLAB

    Anyone have any ideas? I wasn't sure if this was the right forum to post on but I really couldn't find a better one. Is there a forum or message board that deals with MATLAB and EEG issues that anyone knows of?
  6. C

    EEGLAB Troubleshooting: Biopac Files to EEGLAB

    Hello, I am trying to do some EEG analyses and I am having trouble converting biopac files (.acq) to an acceptable file type for EEGLAB. I tried converting to both MATLAB (.mat) files and text (.txt) files but neither have worked. It seems like EEGLAB is primarily for Neuroscan, but I do not...