Recent content by codex34

  1. C

    Exploring Redshift Anomalies: Shape Distortion and Non-Visible Light Experiments

    So what is this? or have I mis-interpreted it? And yet they take every precaution to eliminate light with any angle of incidence as it seriously effects the resulting spectrum. What exactly do you think diffusers are for? Try...
  2. C

    Exploring Redshift Anomalies: Shape Distortion and Non-Visible Light Experiments

    The point of the pictures is an attempt to attain you level of understanding of optics. The images in blue are an exageration of the caustic curve produced by effectively (Non)parallel light. The red images are you standard ideal optics taught at a basic level. Caustics have everything to do...
  3. C

    Exploring Redshift Anomalies: Shape Distortion and Non-Visible Light Experiments

    Only as an amature, which is why I'm asking for help, that and not being able to find any results for similar experiments. I have come across folks that simply dismiss these as invalid because they know for sure what the results would be, yet have never supplied any observational evidence for...
  4. C

    Exploring Redshift Anomalies: Shape Distortion and Non-Visible Light Experiments

    Anyone interested in going over some crude experiments and having a look to see if anything stands out as incorrect or impracticle? I'm not interested in any discussion as to the validity of doing the experiments, kindly keep that nonsense to yourself, I'm only interested in any input to...
  5. C

    Intuitively - why aren't black holes hot?

    So what exactly is differentiation? or infinity? :) What happens at points of inflection?, what does a change in sign mean?, and how does it apply to any given model? Black hole theory is a primary candidate for study, objects accelerate to a near complete halt in a very short time below the...
  6. C

    Intuitively - why aren't black holes hot?

    Any theory for gravity based on non scalar mathematics fails at the point of inflection, which is exactly why the author of relativity objected to theories referencing points within the mass radius, once you remove the mass radius from calculations you return to non scalar mathematics, a realm...
  7. C

    What's the Deal with Astrophysical Jets?

    From observation they are always flowing outward away from the center, the knots/flares in the jets can be easily tracked over a number of years. Which leads to another good question, what causes the knots/flares...
  8. C

    What's the Deal with Astrophysical Jets?

    Yep, they are a mystery, we currently don't have any model that produces jets, except for 'black holes', but even that doesn't give any real mechanism. What about jet knots? Do some jets have knots and some don't? or do they all have knots? The main problem with them is you get a...
  9. C

    Looking for other proof of expanding universe.

    You'll have to make your own mind up about that, angular size is angular size, it has absolutely no bearing on distance unless you make certain assumptions about the objects you observe, within the model you choose to use. You could probably model a shrinking universe and get angular size to fit...
  10. C

    Looking for other proof of expanding universe.

    Can I just point out that the distance to redshift relationship is inferred, it isn't an actual observation. The magnitude versus redshift is the best fit relationship and distance is inferred from this and other assumptions. There is also an Angular size to redshift relationship, which fits...
  11. C

    Interesting simulation of a spiral galaxy evolution.

    No jets. Early formation should produce jets. I'm assuming from that model that gravitational acceleration wasn't limited, it would be nice to see a simulation where it was. /1+limit+R² (there is no observation that shows acceleration -> infinity as r->0, it's only an assumption, if you accept...
  12. C

    Could the Formation of Great Voids be Explained by Ordinary Laws of Motion?

    I know the title sounds stupid, but I have a serious question. If you look at the simulations for the massive structures in the universe, there are great voids and large areas of matter in between them. The matter parts of the universe contain gravitation objects with large masses, and from...
  13. C

    Looking for other proof of expanding universe.

    Sorry, just being pedantic, but you know, that is the first time I've seen the implication on a physics forum, usually it's 'current theory is correct and proven beyond doubt, don't talk about anything else', breath of fresh air. The exceptions are those controversial ones, which one the face...
  14. C

    Looking for other proof of expanding universe.

    Incorrect. Expansion is currently the only thing that explains the observed recession velocities. There are exceptions to the rule, and unexplained observations with galactic velocity fields that call into question expansion as an explanation of redshift. But seeing as there are no...
  15. C

    How did gravity build astronomical objects that rotate?

    Paulibus, yes my grandfathers favorite saying. Condensation theory requires the shear to be there in the first place, Even if you just go by angular momentum, that has to come from somewhere, and you get right back to turbulence. Can gravity form non-axial rotations such that any stars...