Recent content by CmSmith

  1. C

    New to physics, what should I learn?

    I would ask the teacher who taught those two classes. If you don't want to do that then ask the teacher you will have what you should study before the class starts.
  2. C

    Studying Can I Get an A- in Any Class with These Strategies?

    What're the best strategies or techniques you've used in order to get at least an A- in any given class?
  3. C

    Is it possible to self study calculus 2?

    I would recommend going through chapters 1 and 2 of Stewart's so you're well prepared for calculus 1. For calculus 2 go through chapters 5-9 and 12. Stewart's will be fine, I do not know the other book. You're getting much better grades and taking more advanced classes than I did in high school...
  4. C

    Equations: whiteboard vs slides

    There doesn't seem to be much difference here to me. If you write the derivation or problem in the same amount of steps, whether it is on a whiteboard, a powerpoint, or outside on the ground in chalk, the speed at which the students write isn't going to change much if anything at all. I think...
  5. C

    Studying Tips on learning quantum mechanics

    Go through the quantum mechanics section of a freshmen physics textbook, then go through the quantum mechanics section(s) of a Modern Physics textbook, then go through Griffiths Quantum Mechanics (imo not the best for self-study since it doesn't have an even or odd answers to problems section...
  6. C

    Studying Overcoming Troubles Studying in College

    I've had a similar issue with video games. I think Mark44 did an excellent job of answering you in the 4th comment, but I want to add a couple of things to what he already said. I would definitely say uninstall or sell the video games you're most addicted to. When something is affecting your...
  7. C

    Studying Physics Self-Study: Tips for Upper Classmen

    Thank you for the reply! I asked a friend for an opinion on my idea and he said the same thing, to focus on a specific area (like the classes I'll be taking) and that those problem solving skills will translate over to other problems.
  8. C

    Studying Physics Self-Study: Tips for Upper Classmen

    I am a physics student going into my 3rd year this fall. Over the summer I want to go through my textbooks and study them. My plan is the following University Physics (Young and Freedman): The first 10 odd end-of-chapter problems from every chapter (440 problems total) Then do the first 5 even...