Recent content by cmorency

  1. C

    Calculating Lift Force for Semi-Circle Moving Sideways

    Because one shape had a gravitational pull or downward acceleration of 11.5 m/s and one 8.5 and I'm attempting to calculate the force on both objects and why.
  2. C

    Calculators Which graphing calculator to buy? approved for the SAT, ACT, AP

    ti nspire - (texas instruments) is the best one and its 100$-150$
  3. C

    Calculating Lift Force for Semi-Circle Moving Sideways

    What's the equation for the force of a lift. Drag formula is 1/2 ρ∆v^2 C A. And if you need the constant how would i determine the lift constant for a semi circle shape which spins sideways and has an acceleration of approximately 8.5 m/s down (should be gravity which is 9.8 ms/s). It is...
  4. C

    Calculating A & ρ for a Sphere in Air Resistance

    but it says per kg so would i need to determine the amount of air it travels through?
  5. C

    Calculating A & ρ for a Sphere in Air Resistance

    In the drag equation FD =1/2ρ x v^2 x CD x A FD is the force of drag, which is by definition the force component in the direction of the flow velocity, ρ is the mass density of the fluid, u is the velocity of the object A is the reference area, and CD is the drag coefficient How would...
  6. C

    Air resistance in projectile motion

    What would the mass density mean? Is it of the air and how would i calculate this?
  7. C

    Air resistance in projectile motion

    thanks! i think i figured it out.
  8. C

    Air resistance in projectile motion

    what would my drag coefficient be though?
  9. C

    Air resistance in projectile motion

    Does anyone know how to find a formula for air resistance if i shoot an object at a 0 degree angle and know mass, time, distance travelled, drop and initial velocity? I got to Air Resistance (AR) For Vertical Drop: AR=1/2 g((∆s_h)/V_ih )^2)-∆s_v g = gravity ∆s_h= delta distance horizontal V_ih...