Recent content by cluelessGUY

  1. cluelessGUY

    Electromagnetic Coil 2 SS Rods Converging

    Howdy all, I'm looking at having two (preferably) stainless steel rods inside a plastic tube (for insulation and so they don't touch) with a push spring inside and between the two rods pushing each other away from one another, when not activated inside of an electromagnetic coil. When the coil...
  2. cluelessGUY

    Magnet clamp repelling in coil

    Thank you for the above. What I'm more looking at doing is to not use a solenoid, I don't want the fluid to touch anything besides the rubber for hygienic reasons. I get the solenoid mentioned that process is simple enough, however my question more asks the ability to have the magnets against...
  3. cluelessGUY

    Magnet clamp repelling in coil

    I have a practical question. I want to make a rubber (silicone) hose/plug that is pinched closed by two magnets ( very strong magnets such as ones from a hard drive the Neodymium kind). I want to place then into a coil and when I want the liquid to flow, I want to turn on the coil and have the...