Recent content by Clever boy

  1. Clever boy

    B Can a Photonic Boom Explain the Origin of the Universe?

    according to einstien, I order for an object to move faster than the speed of light, we need an infinite amount of energy. Assuming that we could somehow generate this much energy, after moving faster than the speed of light, would the hypothetical particle generate a build up of light waves...
  2. Clever boy

    Can basic quantum physics explain the TARDIS from doctor who

    That is true. But wouldn't it be at least theoretically possible that the tardis creates an exact replica of itself in at its desired destination, switches places in Tim and space repeatedly causing the ree ree reee reee reee bum when it teleports
  3. Clever boy

    Does antimatter have its own sort of properties?

    But then how come antimatter moves toward the force that pushes it
  4. Clever boy

    Can basic quantum physics explain the TARDIS from doctor who

    Can basic quantum physics explain all of the traits of the tardis other than the consciousness and living metal?
  5. Clever boy

    Does antimatter have its own sort of properties?

    If antimatter moves in the direction it was pushed from, is this because it has its own sort of properties such as inertia in regular matter?