Recent content by clarinethero

  1. C

    Magnetic Fields with Relativistic Motion of Electron

    Homework Statement There is a magnetic field given by the equation \overrightarrow{B}=B_{0} \hat{x} \sin\left(2\pi z/L\right). If there is a 10^7 eV electron going in the \hat{z} direction (moving at a relativistic velocity), a mag. field strength of 0.1T, and a mag. period of 0.01m, what...
  2. C

    Definition of a Magnet Period?

    That is exactly what I was looking for. You have answered my question. Much appreciated. I am not a physics major, so that was not as intuitive as it should be. And I didn't post the question for university copyright purposes. This is not homework per se (it's not graded or anything), but it's...
  3. C

    Definition of a Magnet Period?

    I'm trashing the template here because I'm not looking for help with how to solve my homework problem. Instead, I'm looking for what my question actually means! I'm given an equation that describes a magnetic field. One of the specs I'm given is that the magnet period is 10cm. What in the...
  4. C

    Length of time to burn fuel in a fusion reactor

    I understand I can find the energy output from the fusion of deuterium and tritium by finding the mass deficit. This got me 2.818x10^-12 J for the reaction, but the numerical details are not important. I was going to do what you mentioned, so I'm good to go I think. My only remaining question...
  5. C

    Length of time to burn fuel in a fusion reactor

    If I have a fusion reactor running at some designated power output (let's say, for instance, 5x10^8 Watts), how can I find how long it takes to burn a fuel source provided I know the composition of the fuel. For this example, let me just say I have half deuterium and half tritium? I'm not...