Recent content by cjurban

  1. C

    Probability of finding a particle in a solid angle

    P(θ) is known? Am I missing it? I'm not exactly sure what it would be, or how to get it.
  2. C

    Probability of finding a particle in a solid angle

    I have an interesting question that I'm not sure how to go about solving. This question has a little general relativity and (maybe) a little QM, but I wasn't sure where to post it. Question: Imagine that a \pi0 meson traveling along the z-axis (velocity v=0.99c, rest mass M) decays into two...
  3. C

    Poisson distribution & exponential decay

    Homework Statement t(s) = 1 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 135 N(counts) = 106 80 98 75 74 73 49 38 37 22 Consider a decaying radioactive source whose activity is measured at intervals of 15 seconds. the total counts during each period are given. What is...
  4. C

    How to solve 2nd order diff. equation for simple harmonic motion

    In my physics class we're talking about LC and LRC circuits, and the equations are analogous to those for SHM. However, I don't see how x=Acos(ωt+\varphi) satisfies m(d^2x/dt^2)+(k/m)x=0. I've never done differential equations and in the book it seemed like the author just guessed and checked...
  5. C

    How Do RC Circuits Function with Zero Potential Energy Post-Resistor?

    that was my exact problem, I was struggling with the ideal wire concept! thanks so much :)
  6. C

    How Do RC Circuits Function with Zero Potential Energy Post-Resistor?

    So we're covering RC circuits in my physics class and I'm having some trouble with the concepts. When you have a circuit with a resistor and a battery, current passing through the resistor produces a voltage drop. If the battery is zero for our potential, the battery imbues the circuit with...