Recent content by cjs94

  1. C

    Calculations for a capacitor charging from another capacitor

    Thanks for all the replies. I have some reading to do!
  2. C

    Calculations for a capacitor charging from another capacitor

    Sure. The right-hand side is the input stage of a PIC18, so CH = 10pF and RH is about 8.5k (for Vcc = 3.3V). The left-hand side, Vs = 2.11V and RS = 825k -- the actual circuit is a 4.7M/1M divider from 12V, I just simplified it to a Thevenin equivalent. Ca = 100nF. So, l.h.s. RC >> r.h.s...
  3. C

    Calculations for a capacitor charging from another capacitor

    Hi all, I'd appreciate help in calculating the voltages in the circuit shown. I thought it should be fairly straight forward, but it has me stumped. This is a sample-and-hold circuit for an ADC -- the switch is closed to charge the hold capacitor with the sample voltage and then opened to...
  4. C

    I Linear Programming: how to identify conflicting equations

    I'm reading about the Simplex method to solve a Linear Program. If a program is rejected as being infeasible, is there a method to identify which equations are causing it to be infeasible and a technique for reducing the program in an optimal way? (I'm not sure what 'optimal' is exactly, but my...
  5. C

    Estimating the damping ratio from the waveform graph

    Uploading waveform image again, since the link in the original post is now broken and I can't figure out how to edit the post.
  6. C

    B What constitutes a body of mass?

    Thanks, but I was asking more about the natural effects of mass rather than its perception by an observer. My understanding of the Chandrasekhar limit is that if a star is below the limit then it will remain a white dwarf indefinitely, but if it is over the limit then it will start to collapse...
  7. C

    B What constitutes a body of mass?

    How close do objects have to be to be considered a single mass? On Earth, with solid objects, the answer would seem to be intuitive: if an object can't fall any further then it is 'connected' to, or part of Earth's mass. But what about something like a gas giant, or a star? I started thinking...
  8. C

    A.C. resistance of non-cylindrical conductors

    Thanks, I hadn't appreciated that sigma was not constant for a material. I'm looking into that now, but while I can see its dependence on frequency I can't see how it is affected by the geometry. Do you have any references which show how the first equation is derived and why it is a special...
  9. C

    A.C. resistance of non-cylindrical conductors

    I need to find the resistive component due to skin depth. I know the equation for skin depth and have been given the formula which relates AC to DC resistance for round wires: $$R_{ac} = 0.25(1+\frac{D}{\delta})R_{dc}$$ I need to calculate the AC resistance for a square and rectangular...
  10. C

    A.C. resistance of non-cylindrical conductors

    Hi, Can someone please explain how to calculate the A.C. resistance of non-cylindrical conductors? All the references I can find online assume round wires and I'm not sure the same equations would apply for other geometries? Thanks, Chris
  11. C

    Why would someone choose a high or low Q factor for a high or low pass filter?

    Thank you, but I don't think I explained myself well enough. Assume for example that I am designing a 3rd order high pass filter. I have a few choices: I could make the filter under damped (Q<1), critically damped (Q=1) or over damped (Q>1). Is there any reason, any possible application where I...
  12. C

    Why would someone choose a high or low Q factor for a high or low pass filter?

    Hi, Can someone please explain why you might choose a high or low Q factor high (or low) pass filter for a particular application? I can understand why it's useful for band pass and notch filters, for selectivity, but I cannot see any reason for it in a low or high pass. Thanks, Chris
  13. C

    Impedance network and complex algebra

    Thanks for the replies. I've just had a response from the tutor, the question is wrong and my answer is correct. :)
  14. C

    Impedance network and complex algebra

    Homework Statement This is one part of a wider question, I'm only posting the part I'm having trouble with. $$ \begin{align} \text{Given an impedance network } B &= \frac{Z_1 \parallel Z_3}{Z_2 + Z_1 \parallel Z_3} \\ \text{show that: } \frac{1}{B} &= 1 + \frac{R_2}{R_1} + j\frac{\omega CR_2}{1...
  15. C

    A question on p-n junction depletion layer

    Hi, I'm studying the p-n junction and I'm a little confused about the depletion layer that forms. I understand how electrons and holes diffuse across the junction, recombine and leave charged ions but what I don't understand is why the ions remain fixed around the junction. Surely the...