Recent content by chromium1387

  1. C

    First Law of Thermodynamics - Isobaric Cooling

    Homework Statement An ideal monatomic gas has an initial pressure of 3 atm, an initial volume of 1 L, and is at an initial temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. It first expands isothermically to 2 L and is then cooled isobarically to a point where it is adiabatically compressed to its initial...
  2. C

    Moment of Inertia of Infinite Rod

    I don't know.. haha. It's just incorporated into the density, right? :P
  3. C

    Moment of Inertia of Infinite Rod

    Ohhh.. My bad. Silly algebra mistake. And that makes sense. I'm just used to placing one end at the origin. Sooo, after I integrate and everything, I get \frac{MA}{b}? Thanks for your reply!
  4. C

    Moment of Inertia of Infinite Rod

    Homework Statement A thin rod extends along the x-axis from x= +b to infinity. It has a non-uniform linear mass density of A/x^{4} where A is a constant with units of kg m3. Calculate the moment of inertia of the rod for rotation about the origin. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution...
  5. C

    Power Series of arcsin: Finding Radius and Interval of Convergence

    yesyesyes! thank you! crazy how overlooking one silly thing can mess things up!
  6. C

    Power Series of arcsin: Finding Radius and Interval of Convergence

    i, uh, I'm not really sure.. i just canceled things. like the 1*3*5*... cancel. the 2n stays. the x^(2n+2) / x^2n make x^2. the n!/(n+1)! make n+1. the 2^n/2^n+1 just gives me 1/2. which cancels with the 2 in 2n. so i got n/(n-1)(2n-1) all times x^2. :s
  7. C

    Power Series of arcsin: Finding Radius and Interval of Convergence

    lim n\rightarrow\infty |\frac{1*3*5*...*(2n)x^{2n+2}}{2^{n+1}(n+1)!}*\frac{2^{n}n!}{1*3*5*...*(2n-1)x^{2n}}| =lim n\rightarrow\infty |\frac{n}{(n+1)(2n-1)}|x^{2} which, by l'hopital's rule is: lim n\rightarrow\infty |\frac{1}{2n+2(n+1)-1}|x^{2} =0
  8. C

    Power Series of arcsin: Finding Radius and Interval of Convergence

    Thanks for your response! :) Okay, so does this mean that my radius and interval of convergence are correct? This should be easy enough then. Thanks!
  9. C

    Power Series of arcsin: Finding Radius and Interval of Convergence

    Homework Statement a. Find a power series expansion for arcsin(x) centered at 0. b. Find the radius of convergence and interval of convergence of the power series in a. c. Choose an appropriate value of x to plug into the power series found in a. to find a series that converges to...
  10. C

    Torque, angular acceleration, and moment of inertia

    oh, wow. i was definitely thinking backwards for some reason. thank you for replying to my very silly question!
  11. C

    Torque, angular acceleration, and moment of inertia

    Homework Statement We did this question today in class, but looking back at it, I'm kind of confused. Two identical dumbbells are formed by placing equal point masses at either end of two identical light (ie. massless) rods. The rods are pivoted so that dumbbell A rotates around the centre...
  12. C

    Frictionless half-pipe and rotational motion question

    Apparently i didn't search well enough before I posted. Thanks for responding to my post, which I'll now delete. And yes, I do go to Mac!