Recent content by chrishgv

  1. C

    Collection of Lame Jokes

    my neighbour came down knocking at my door at 3am this the morning. screaming and shouting like a total nut job.luckily for him i was already up practicing my bagpipes.
  2. C

    Does a full fridge cost less money to run than an empty fridge?

    I,m just a soccer player . I can do 500 keepy uppers. Iv'e come on here for your knowledge because i don't have it! Thanks for your reply
  3. C

    Does a full fridge cost less money to run than an empty fridge?

    very minimal difference then? opening and shutting the fridge quicker would save the same amount of electricity?
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    Does a full fridge cost less money to run than an empty fridge?

    ok. my fridge is connected to the freezer. I do keep that filled. The fridge is on anyway. Back to my original question. If iv'e posted on the wrong forum i apologise. Is there a better forum to post on?
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    Does a full fridge cost less money to run than an empty fridge?

    What would i make my cup of tea with for the week?
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    Does a full fridge cost less money to run than an empty fridge?

    With the cost of living crisis. my fridge has a bottle of milk in it by itself most of the time. Would it cost less in energy if i fill the fridge with bottles of water to fill the gaps? hope this makes sense.
  7. C

    Is the Braking Force of a Truck Really 0.8?

    just sobering up a bit and thinking about your answers. teacher mentions in his lesson that the head rest in a car is to stop whip lash. Am i right in thinking that you can only get whiplash from a rear end hit? I don't think he understands this. He thinks whip lash comes from the (recoil?)
  8. C

    Is the Braking Force of a Truck Really 0.8?

    il sober up before i post again. don't worry I'm not driving I'm on a course this week. feel free to add more for clarification.
  9. C

    Is the Braking Force of a Truck Really 0.8?

    I'm assuming i was correct then? He's a good teacher. I'm here because i want to help him and his lessons. I'l give him this link tomorrow
  10. C

    Is the Braking Force of a Truck Really 0.8?

    handwavium wow. waves hands. The guy is a great teacher.
  11. C

    Is the Braking Force of a Truck Really 0.8?

    I just can't see a point where the pallet has gone backwards
  12. C

    Is the Braking Force of a Truck Really 0.8?

    he states there is a force pushing the pallet back? how is this possible? tx
  13. C

    Is the Braking Force of a Truck Really 0.8?

    frontal crash. on his diagram after the crash the pallet has moved backwards in relation to the headboard of the truck.
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    Is the Braking Force of a Truck Really 0.8?

    a lorry is traveling forward. a pallet of bricks is against the headboard of the trailer. the lorry crashes. after the crash the pallet of bricks moves backwards. he has an arrow on his chart showing the pallet moving backwards. he says for every action equal reaction. the pallet is moving...
  15. C

    Is the Braking Force of a Truck Really 0.8?

    ok thank you. He's stating his theory on the basis of whiplash. It just seemed against the laws of physics to me. He teaches this class to 20 people a week. Can i get any feedback to show how he is going wrong?