Recent content by chester20080

  1. C

    I Laplace transformation of nested function

    Hello! I want a formula (if there exists) to find the Laplace transformation of a nested function; a function within a function For example what is the LT of θ(f(t)), where θ is the step function? Is there already a formula for such things or should I follow the definition integrating etc..? I...
  2. C

    B Light follows Geodesics-Spacetime-Big Bang-Time dilation

    About the inflation comment: Maybe you are referring to the expansion of spacetime itself. However, anything can be considered as information. Even that expansion itself. For instance I can claim that the information that was carried was that space got bigger. Anything. Also someone could claim...
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    B Light follows Geodesics-Spacetime-Big Bang-Time dilation

    Actually , why a geodesic is the shortest way? If we have a semi folded surface, the shortest way of moving from one point of the surface to another , staying on this surface, is indeed a geodesic. But we could move between these points via the in between space not belonging to the surface. Or...
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    B Light follows Geodesics-Spacetime-Big Bang-Time dilation

    I have these questions: 1) Why must light always move along a geodesic line? What is the principle behind that? 2) A second question about spacetime: We mostly depict or imagine spacetime as a net of flexible fiber that extends everywhere as a plane as we see it.. As we are looking it, what...
  5. C

    B Accuracy in speed of photon - uncertainty?

    You're of course right, I falsely correlated uncertainty to speed not to frequency and energy, for momentum... Thank you all for your answers!
  6. C

    B Accuracy in speed of photon - uncertainty?

    I see.. I will read it soon. So if we do make the measurement, we will localize it. The uncertainty about its momentum how will be? Since we know its speed exactly then we'll know momentum and position. The speed can't change while we are making the observation. What is wrong?
  7. C

    B Accuracy in speed of photon - uncertainty?

    But since there is indeed EM radiation, photons must be there right? Radiation is consisted of photons. I don't assign any position to a photon. I only say that at least one photon, which speed I do know, must be in there, therefore I have an idea about its location. I don't need to measure it...
  8. C

    B Accuracy in speed of photon - uncertainty?

    But why can't they be localized? Of course not exactly. For instance, is it wrong to localize them inside my apartment? I don't technically localize them but I have an idea of their position. I don't need to measure them to localize them. Since I can see a thing in my apartment I know for sure...
  9. C

    B Accuracy in speed of photon - uncertainty?

    The uncertainty says that the more we know about momentum (speed) the less we know about position, right? So if we know exactly the speed of the photon then according to the above we should know nothing about its position thus infinite uncertainty about the position. Isn't this right? Can't we...
  10. C

    B Accuracy in speed of photon - uncertainty?

    Hi there! I wanted to ask you, we know that light, photons have a certain fixed speed generally. Wouldn't this imply, considering Heisenberg's uncertainty principle, that the uncertainty for the speed (momentum) of the photons, should be infinite? But we know for sure, for example, that...
  11. C

    Body sliding down an accelerating hemisphere

    Ok,thank you for everything!
  12. C

    Solving the Flocking Problem: Finding A,B,C Meeting Point

    Cylindrical coordinates we studied only once in analytic geometry and only the basics,the definition and the basic equations.Nothing else,no examples,no further details.This exercise is from the physics course and our professor told us that it is not a part of the course(no such thing will be in...
  13. C

    Solving the Flocking Problem: Finding A,B,C Meeting Point

    As I am not very familiar with cylindrical coordinates,I would choose d),but I sense the right one is something with cylindrical...
  14. C

    Solving the Flocking Problem: Finding A,B,C Meeting Point

    Will it be direction1= -(direction2+direction3)?