Recent content by CherryTrooper

  1. C

    Could Teleportation Be Achieved Through Matter-Photon Conversion?

    ^^^Thanks. I wasn't implying teleportation BY pair production, I was merely stating that in nature, photons are transferred to mass, so the question is why can we not use this idea. That's the notion though: If we had a way to create memory of state/location/properties and whatever, then...
  2. C

    Could Teleportation Be Achieved Through Matter-Photon Conversion?

    Okay, so I'm just looking at this from a limited nuclear engineering scope: We know that as far as gamma interactions go, in pair production, a photon is converted into a postitron and a electron. So it goes from being light, and having no mass, to suddenly having mass! Mass appears almost 'out...
  3. C

    People are always trying to keep certain sects of human beings

    I'm not talking international politics, though. I'm talking domestic occurrences. IE, Islamic state's obsession with keeping women docile or whatever. And I'm not sure how this relates to the Bush administration (other an attempt at pushing some sort of hyper liberal agenda?) other than his (and...
  4. C

    Grade 12 Physics: When Equation = 0

    A system experiences centripetal acceleration when it is changing direction (even if the speed is constant). So if the direction remains the same, the system's acceleration equals zero. All it takes is the change in velocity direction for the centripetal acceleration to be a non-zero number...
  5. C

    Enduring Debate: When to Say Goodbye to Your BF

    The sad, unacceptable truth. Isn't that just like a human being to want to deny the tough truth. Yeah, I know yo're right. At least on the "hint." As for the other stuff, we're anything but co-dependent. We were a very unorthodox couple, and we always prioritized our friendship over our...
  6. C

    Understanding the Negative Power Delivered in Circuits

    Because when the power is being delivered, its being "taken away" from the circuit. When it's being absorbed, it's "gaining" power, thus positive. P= V x I, so if you think about it the electric potential is positive, and the current is positive. It's converting, or charging or something. When...
  7. C

    People are always trying to keep certain sects of human beings

    The tendencies are quite enough as it is. I'm just tired of people telling entire groups of the human race what they can and cannot do based of no logical deduction what-so-ever, or false logic. Also hoarding money is a terrible habit. Money is meant to be spent, especially on others.
  8. C

    People are always trying to keep certain sects of human beings

    theChosen1: Interesting. There must be a huge amount of the population that suffers from this, considering these silly conventions and obsessions are somehow turned to laws. QuantumCurt: That makes a lot of sense-- and yet how do people not have the capacity to understand when certain things...
  9. C

    Finding Solace in Favourite Quotes: Escaping Despair with Words of Wisdom

    “It’s not the critic who counts, not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly…. Who knows the great enthusiasms...
  10. C

    People are always trying to keep certain sects of human beings

    Throughout history, people are always trying to keep certain sects of human beings from doing things, from being equal, from having rights... I just don't understand. From African Americans, gays, women, or even Christians being barred from this and that nowadays by the realm of political...
  11. C

    Enduring Debate: When to Say Goodbye to Your BF

    I can't ask him how I know it's time to break up with him! That's a little socially unacceptable! Hah, it's not supposed to. It's cherry trooper, as in a newbie paratrooper.
  12. C

    News Can companies patent your genes?

    The only problem is that this sort of concern stems from an idea that humans are altruistic and would pursue/fund vast medical discoveries without any incentives what so ever. Maybe I'm just an ethical egoist, but that would probably slow progress a million fold. These patents, etc, need to...
  13. C

    News Is the Woolwich Attack a Reflection of Broader Terrorist Ideologies?

    So horrifyingly disturbing. The key to defeating this, aside from military means to smite the leadership, is education. We can't have these absurd liberal terrorist sympathizing views being popular. If I see another internet post about the Boston Marathon Bomber being "cute" and should be...
  14. C

    Enduring Debate: When to Say Goodbye to Your BF

    Hello. I am in need of anonymous, unbiased, 3rd party internet advice. :) How do you know when it is time to say when? Not going to go into vicious detail, but I broke up with my BF of over a year (we are both 21 year old college students), and then changed my mind, tried to come back and...
  15. C

    How much time do you spend on physics each day?

    I have nuclear engineering classes, mechanical engineering classes and physics classes to take, so those hours accumulate plus homework. But on my own? I could stay up til 2 am reading about Schrodinger's cat every day. Probably too much time, in other words. :)