Recent content by chern

  1. C

    A How to relate the expansion term to Feynman diagrams

    I learn quantum field theory using the book of " quantum field theory in a nutshell" by A. Zee. But I am confuse when I read the content about the "baby problem" at the beginning of "1.7 Feynman Diagrams". In that section, author get the term of order λ and [J][/4] by -(λ/4!)[(d/dJ)][/4]...
  2. C

    How to draw Feynman diagrams

    To Peter Donis ,Thank you so much!
  3. C

    How to draw Feynman diagrams

    Maybe I can relate the term to the figure 1.7.1 (a). Because to get λJ^4. It needs one λ, therefore with a differentating operator (\frac{d}{dJ})^4, this means one λ eliminates four "J". In the Figure 1.7.1 (a), which is just the vertice. But how to get the other diagrams (b) and (c) in the...
  4. C

    How to draw Feynman diagrams

    I am reading the book tilted "quantum field theory in a nutshell(second version)" by A.Zee. On the page 45, for example there is a term \frac{1}{m^2}λJ^4. The question is that how to related it to the Figure 1.7.1. or that, How can I draw the three diagrams in Figure 1.7.1 from the term...
  5. C

    The derivation of Ito formula and Stratonovich formula

    The differential form of a stochastic variable can be expressed as $$dx=a(x)dt+b(x)dw(t)$$, here w(t) presents the Wiener process and satisfies ##(dw)^2=dt##. For the function f(x), the derivation of its differential form in the book by Gardiner is...
  6. C

    How to get the commutation relation of q and p

    We all know that quantum theory is based on the commutation relation and superposition principle. The trouble haunting me long time is that how to "get" the famous commutation relation? Could anybody give me an explanation?
  7. C

    Peskin and Schroeder derivation of Klein-Gordon propagator

    In page 30 of book "An introduction to quantum field theory" by Peskin and Schroeder in the derivation of Klein-Gordon propagator, why p^0=-E_p in the second step in equation (2.54). and why change "ip(x-y)" to "-ip(x-y)"? I thought a lot time, but get no idea. Thank you for your giving me an...
  8. C

    Question about Feynman diagrams with the integral

    I read the book of "quantum field theory in nutshell" by A. Zee. There is a "baby problem" in Page 44. I can't understand how to get the diagrams of Figure 1.7.1 from the calculation of -(\lambda/4!)(d/dJ)^4 differentiating [1/4!(2m^2)^4]J^8. How to associate this term to the three diagrams...