Recent content by CheeseSandwich

  1. CheeseSandwich

    I Conceptual Question About Polar Coordinate System

    Mark44, thank you for your help.
  2. CheeseSandwich

    I Conceptual Question About Polar Coordinate System

    Mark44, thank you for replying. Thank you for correcting me. I suppose this is where I got the wrong idea: Are the equals signs in this example saying that these points are associated with each other rather than equivalent with each other? How can (5, 4π/3) be in the third quadrant unless...
  3. CheeseSandwich

    I Conceptual Question About Polar Coordinate System

    mfb, thank you for replying. I understand how to work with the numbers, I am only curious about why the polar coordinate system itself allows for infinite ways to represent a point. Whoops, thanks to Mark44 I see my error in this statement. I meant "How can an angle in the third quadrant be...
  4. CheeseSandwich

    I Conceptual Question About Polar Coordinate System

    I am learning about the polar coordinate system, and I have a few conceptual questions. I understand that in Cartesian coordinates there is exactly one set of coordinates for any given point. However, in polar coordinates there is an infinite number of coordinates for a given point. I see how...