Recent content by CheapFungus

  1. C

    Area under Polar Curves: Where did I go wrong?

    I see! Is there a general way for finding the limits? It seems that I always get messed up in that part...
  2. C

    Area under Polar Curves: Where did I go wrong?

    Sorry, I phrased that wrong. I took the area of the half circle first, then multiplied it by two. Anyway, I am quite confused by the limits. How do you get the limits? >_<
  3. C

    Area under Polar Curves: Where did I go wrong?

    1.Where did I go wrong in finding the area enclosed inside r = 3 cos θ? Homework Equations I used the formula 1/2 ∫ ((f(θ)) squared dθ from alpha to beta The Attempt at a Solution I looked for the area of the semicircle from 0 to pi and then multiplied the whole thing by 2, since the...