Recent content by Charles49

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    Pattern recognition using splines

    by guy ben-yosef and Ohad ben shahar
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    Pattern recognition using splines

    Here is a good paper: A Tangent Bundle Theory for Visual Curve Completion
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    Pattern recognition using splines

    Hi Stephen, I have a single image. It is computer generated from a series of images. Since my background is not in computer science, could you please give me a few keywords that I can google to make my search for possible answers more effective? I am looking up training set now. Charles
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    Pattern recognition using splines

    I am supposed to have an image consisting of overlapping curves. What I have is an image where the curves are missing certain segments of them. However with the human eye we can tell that certain segments are part of the same curve. (see attached figures). I want to know how I can write a...
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    How to generalize the fixed point iteration

    HallsofIvy, What a simple solution! Thanks
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    How to generalize the fixed point iteration

    If we want to solve $$f(x)=0$$ we can re-write the equation as $$g(x)=x$$ and use the fixed point method, i.e, $$x_{n+1}=g(x_n)$$ starting with a guess $$x_0.$$ I was wondering if something similar can be done with $$\Lambda(x,y)=h(x,y).$$
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    How to compute the determinant of this matrix?

    Thanks AlephZero, I am going to learn about Crouts version.
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    How to compute the determinant of this matrix?

    Let $$A$$ be the $$n\times n$$ matrix: \begin{equation} A= \begin{bmatrix} % or pmatrix or bmatrix or Bmatrix or ... 2 & 1&\dots & 1 & 1 \\ 1 & 2&\dots & 1 & 1 \\ \vdots&\ddots & \ddots & 2 & 1 \\ 1 & & \dots & 1&2 \\ \end{bmatrix} \end{equation}...
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    Very tricky Fourier transform

    I don't think this integral converges. Here's my analysis: $$ \iint _{\mathbb{R}^2}\!{\frac {{{\rm e}^{i \left( x+y+\sqrt {k-{x }^{2}-{y}^{2}} \right) }}}{\sqrt {k-{x}^{2}-{y}^{2}}}}{dx}{dy} =\iint_{\mathbb{R}^2}\!{\frac {\cos \left( x+y+\sqrt {k-{x}^{2}-y^2} \right) }{\sqrt...
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    Very tricky Fourier transform

    How is this a Fourier Transform?
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    Using integration to find the total change in angle between two tangent lines

    1. Go here: and look under: Riemann Sums. You'll see that you need a width. So I don't think you can write it as a Riemann Integral. 2. The slope can't be zero because the tangent line never intersects the x-axis and the concept of angle is...
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    Using integration to find the total change in angle between two tangent lines

    Let's say the end points are a and b. Let $$x_0=a, x_1=a+h, x_2=a+2h\cdots, x_n=a+nh=b$$ where $$h=\frac{b-a}{n}.$$ The angle as indicated in the diagram is $$\pi-\arctan(f'(x))-\arctan(f'(x+h)).$$ So you have to...
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    Using integration to find the total change in angle between two tangent lines

    Are you interested in the curvature of the function? If so there are formula for finding curvature.