Recent content by Chaos' lil bro Order

  1. C

    Dark Energy - is it everywhere?

    This is a great discussion guys. Many thanks. Especially phinds and Marcus, for his brilliantly and simply written calculation. That was nice of you to take the time. If I am understanding correctly, the Dark energy/ lambda vacuum curvature/Cosmological Constant are one and the same. I...
  2. C

    Dark Energy - is it everywhere?

    I am not a 100% on whether the WMAP information of the CMB or Hubble's Law observations have shown dark matter in any specific part of the Universe, but rather they show it as a mathematical necessity to explain the acceleration of the Universe's expansion give our current Standard Model. Do we...
  3. C

    Gravity waves, how big are they?

    Hi, I was thinking about gravity waves and how big leading theorists believe they may be in size of wavelength? I saw a video where Steve Gerricks (sp?) of NIST in Colorado, shows how the NIST clocks are so accurate and at different elevations and in different geographic locations, so that he...
  4. C

    Dark Energy - is it everywhere?

    Is this like the same idea where galaxies move away from one another according to hubble's law? I have read the correct metaphor for the Universe's expansion and in particular how galaxies move along on this expansion with respect to one another (again hubble's law) is best thought of as the...
  5. C

    Dark Energy - is it everywhere?

    I was thinking about dark energy and whether current understanding puts its distribution as being everywhere in the Universe and evenly so? Like the CMB but homogenous and non fluctuating? I understand that 'dark matter' clumps around certain areas of our own Milky Way so it is quite unlike...
  6. C

    Dark Flow - accepted or theory?

    Okay, thank you.
  7. C

    Dark Flow - accepted or theory?

    I am curious if 'Dark Flow' is considered a fringe theory or not. I have been away from cosmology for a while and am trying to pick up the general consensus of the community on the leading theories today. Thanks.
  8. C

    Is There a Limit to How Fast We Can Accelerate Into an Incident Photon?

    Sing, that is precisely right and very well said. Dave, sorry, I get frustrated when people talk about 'frequencies'. Its a word so often abused and rarely properly differentiated, so it makes answering questions about it, very difficult. Dave, how do you accelerate infinitely into an...
  9. C

    Is There a Limit to How Fast We Can Accelerate Into an Incident Photon?

    This thread is hilarious. The original question was: IS THERE A LIMIT TO THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE [ELECTROMAGNETIC] FREQUENCY? Look, the answer clearly is yes. If you have a photon, which IS known to be the force carrying particle of the electromagnetic force, you can never increase its energy...
  10. C

    Is Dark Energy Tearing Us Apart Atom by Atom?

    Math, Do we know the exact strength of the force attributed to dark energy? Given the current rate of accelerating expansion of the universe, can we infer the rate at which the percentage of dark energy will increase?
  11. C

    Is Dark Energy Tearing Us Apart Atom by Atom?

    The Universe is comprised of 75% dark energy, which is thought to be responsible for the accelerating expansion of the Universe at large. Dark energy is pervasive everywhere and unlike dark matter which clumps in specific regions, Dark energy is homogenous and isotropically distributed...
  12. C

    If photons don't have mass, why do their paths bend in a gravitational field?

    I don't think its possible to gave a gravity free zone. Even Lagrangian points experience near nil gravity, but gravity nonetheless, just canceled out to minutia.
  13. C

    If photons don't have mass, why do their paths bend in a gravitational field?

    Well, if a photon always moves in a straight line geodesic on the substrate of space, then if a great mass or energy of sufficient size, acts upon this space substrate, nearby photons will be bent. Make no mistake about it though, its space that bends, the photons merely follow what they think...
  14. C

    Does electromagnetic radiation from pulsar stars

    Does electromagnetic radiation emitted by pulsars carry enough energy as to make the gravity created by these emissions significant enough to gravitationally effect distant objects many light years away? In other words, can a pulsar star or a neutron star, effect distant planets or even...