Recent content by chantella28

  1. C

    How Can You Determine If an Alkyloxonium Ion Will Lose Water Readily?

    I'm working on a number of problems that tells me to write the structure of the alkyloxonium ion produced after an alcohol is protonated by a strong acid it says that if the alkyloxonium ion is capable of losing water readily, write the structure of the resulting carbocation and if the...
  2. C

    Finding Derivative of y=5^(3-3x)

    Hey guys, I have a calculus problem that should be easy but I haven't taken calc in a few years so I can't remember where to begin. If somebody could give me some help with this, that would be great find the following derivative: y=5^(3-3x)
  3. C

    Understanding "Bumps & Teases" in News Programs

    I have to analyze a news program for a media technology class, and it asks me about the bumps and teases... I've searched google but I can't seem to come up with a definition of what these terms mean, could anyone help me out?
  4. C

    Proving T is Linear in Mnn: A + A^T

    the transpose rules i know of are (A+B)transpose = Atranspose + Btranspose; (cA)transpose = cAtranspose; (AB)transpose = BtransposeAtranspose; and (Atranspose)transpose = A but i still don't understand how to go about manipulating the addition and scalar multiplication formulas...
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    Proving T is Linear in Mnn: A + A^T

    i don't understand what happens to the transpose though
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    Linear Transformations: Understanding and Applying Transition Matrices

    okay... i think i get it, but for the last one... why is it b + 2c = 2 and 2c = 2... shouldn't it be b+4c=12 and 2c=6?
  7. C

    Linear Transformations: Understanding and Applying Transition Matrices

    okay, so am I doing this right?: T(1) = 1 T(1+x) = 2 T(3+4x+2x^2) = 9 then for the matrix TBB i would get |1 0 0| |1 1 0| |3 4 2| is this right? why is it written TBB... why are there two B's?
  8. C

    Proving T is Linear in Mnn: A + A^T

    sorry, i think it means the transpose... cos in the question its A to the power of capital T...
  9. C

    Proving T is Linear in Mnn: A + A^T

    Another question that I'm a little bit stumped on... Define T: Mnn -> Mnn by T(A) = A + A^T. Prove that T is linear i know that with T(A) = A^T you can prove it by the equations (if A and B are arbitrary matrices in Mnn and c is a scalar): T(A+B) = (A+B)^T = (A)^T + (B)^T = T(A) + T(B)...
  10. C

    Linear Transformations: Understanding and Applying Transition Matrices

    I have an assignment problem and I don't even know where to start... I'm taking the course through correspondence so i have no notes or prof to talk to... I've read my text and course manual over and over again but I just can't figure it out Let T: P2->P2 be a linear transformation defined by...
  11. C

    Giant list of science fair project ideas

    another idea that could work would be to prove/disprove the coca cola rumors that it will "eat" items such as a steak/coins stuff like that its rumored that coca cola is caustic/acidic enough to eat away and break down materials such as steaks/meat coins... not sure what else but I'm sure you...
  12. C

    Giant list of science fair project ideas

    lol in elementary school i did the same project for like 3 years, but I didn't really understand the chemistry of it until now... we'd take pennies and put them in different solutions and see which solutions would clean the tarnish off the pennies the best. We'd use stuff like hot sauce...
  13. C

    How do drug users gain tolerance for a drug?

    this is kind of ironic... i read this question last night and then my prof talked about this in class today Drug tolerance has to do with the smooth endoplasmic reticulum in cells. The smooth E.R. takes insoluble substances and through hydroxylation reactions (changing molecular oxygen to...
  14. C

    What's your area and level of expertise?

    i'm in my 3rd year of my undergrad degree for Biomedical Biology... and currently not doing so well :(