Recent content by cgardhar

  1. C

    Can a High Power Laser Melt a Prism and How to Make a Reflective Missile?

    If we pass a really high power laser through a prism, is it possible that the prism melts down.
  2. C

    Relation between laser frequency and range?

    I am actually building a LIDAR for urban mapping. So its mostly cars and buildings and people. So you mean that a short wavelength laser with high power would be my best bet, as long as it conforms to the safety requirements. Thanks for the equation. Can divergence be used as a factor to...
  3. C

    Relation between laser frequency and range?

    Hi, I am working on building a laser range finder and wanted to know if there is any relation between the frequency/wavelength of laser wave and the maximum distance it can measure. I read that the maximum distance it can measure depends on the power of the laser. Any other links...