Recent content by cdotter

  1. C

    Fusion with help of accelerators?

    I conceptually understand how laser-driven ICF works, basically imparting a massive amount of energy into a small object which causes the object to heat up and implode. How does magnetic confinement work, though? From my understanding, a tokamak's magnetic fields confine the plasma which is at a...
  2. C

    Programs Poor Iq , but want to do a PHD

    Why would anyone smart enough to study theoretical physics at one of the top universities in the US care about something as stupid and pointless like the membership test results of chronic mental masturbation support group?
  3. C

    Programs Poor Iq , but want to do a PHD

    This is what they call a "troll thread."
  4. C

    Academia: Exponential Growth & Post Docs Till 40?

    It's more profitable to produce infinitesimally better products than it is to produce revolutionary products because the research associated with the latter is going to significant increase the price. Look at how expensive cutting edge drugs and medical procedures have become. I realize that...
  5. C

    Chemistry vs ChemE: Graduate School Opportunities

    I would imagine that graduate level specialization in chemistry is a lot more critical than graduate level specialization in chemical engineering. One is (probably a lot) less likely to get a job in total organic synthesis versus any job in any area of chemical engineering.
  6. C

    So I'm not into theoretical physics

    Computational astrophysics involves, I think, a lot of computational fluid dynamics and magnetohydrodyanmics simulation. That type of skill could be applicable to fluid dynamics simulations in defense engineering, although I've heard that there is a trend of engineering companies using...
  7. C

    Studying What do you do when instructors inflict horrible books on you?

    Instructors often characterize textbooks as good when already understand all of the material in it, meaning they don't actually have to learn the material from the book.
  8. C

    What is the best approach for plotting the Mandelbrot set using a computer?

    Homework Statement Note: This is not for homework. I'm trying to teach myself programming and this looks like a fun project. I want to plot the Mandelbrot set using a computer. Homework Equations Z_{n+1}=Z_n^2+c for some constant c The Attempt at a Solution Given: Z_0=0, maximum of...
  9. C

    CIA Weapon/Science Analyst Position

    So I take the hiring is mostly internal to the CIA? If not, how does one typically get a security clearance? Prior military/defense contractor service/employment or prior national lab employment?
  10. C

    Schools Sciences and math at a liberal arts college

    I'm a senior applied math major at a small liberal arts school. For the reasons you listed (poor course offerings, no research opportunities, etc.), go to a bigger school. I wish I had.
  11. C

    Physics Why would oil companies hire physicists?

    I know that Schlumberger, Halliburton, Baker Hughes, Weatherfor and other service companies hire field engineers with any type of technical degree -- physics, engineering, applied math, sometimes even chemistry. However, what they call field engineering isn't really engineering. It's more or...
  12. C

    Financing a second bachelor's?

    Isn't graduate education in the UK typically unfunded and therefore expensive?
  13. C

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences
  14. C

    Engineering Career as a Civil Engineer, or as a Physician

    If you absolutely must go to a Caribbean medical school, consider only the big name schools: Ross, Xavier, and SGUs. Even at those 'top' schools, the medical students have a much harder time than their U.S. counterparts. Attrition rates at U.S. schools are in the single digits vs 20-30% at...