Recent content by CCofADoa

  1. C

    Physics Should I switch to astrophysics?

    You should be very realistic. Check the job listings on NASA or ESA. See what they are looking for.
  2. C

    Job Skills I finally got my bachelor's degree in physics, now what?

    Everyone keep name-dropping data science. I don't think it's that easy to get into it. Especially if you don't live in USA. Not every country has a healthy job market for data scientists. Certainly not Europe. And you're basically competing with graduates from other majors, that are usually more...
  3. C

    Classical Are there advanced brain teaser books for physics beyond first-year principles?

    Keith Kendig's Sink or Float. Yakov Perelman's books published by Mir are also similar.
  4. C

    Introductory Analysis -- Self Studying

    The easiest way to self-study analysis is perhaps by going through R.P. Burn's Numbers and Functions: Steps into Analysis. It's a problem book and it has all of the essentials.
  5. C

    Good Textbooks for QM: Get Advice Here!

    The recordings from Barton Zwiebach you watch are also available in with quizzes and problems. They provide feedback and solutions. I think if you can finish them, you can say you know undergrad QM.
  6. C

    How to compare two measurements with uncertainties in terms of sigma?

    Thanks a lot. So, do people even say, "Our result is within 1 sigma from the accepted value" when they are talking about the t-value? Perhaps it's just the people in my country. Personally I always find it difficult to find the references for this stuff, beyond basic error propagation. For...
  7. C

    How to compare two measurements with uncertainties in terms of sigma?

    Perhaps that statement is just saying how big the t-value is. Like, in this case: t = (1.0 - 0.98) / 0.1 = 0.1 So we can say that our measured value is within 1 sigma from the other measured value. In this case, do we just ignore the uncertainties of the other measured/reference value? It's...