Recent content by CassiopeiaA

  1. CassiopeiaA

    I Curvature and the size of the Universe

    I thought isotropy means uniformity in all directions. For example, if I know density variations in one direction, it should be same in all the other directions. What does this has to do with the distance?
  2. CassiopeiaA

    B Conservation of Total Spin in the Stern Gerlach Experiment

    Oh Okay. So there is no known correlation between photon polarization and spin of electron-positron pair in case of pair production?
  3. CassiopeiaA

    B Conservation of Total Spin in the Stern Gerlach Experiment

    I just started reading Stern Gerlach Experiment and this thought crossed my mind. Totally a hypothetical question. If I pass an electron and positron through separate SG apparatuses, I will know in which spin state each particle has collapsed. But afterwords I let electron-positron pair...
  4. CassiopeiaA

    I Curvature and the size of the Universe

    No problem. I will cite all of your usernames in my groundbreaking paradigm shifting paper : "Can you really get the whole world in your hand?"
  5. CassiopeiaA

    I Curvature and the size of the Universe

    Ah I see it now where I was mistaken. But still, the question about universe being finite or infinite remains in my head.
  6. CassiopeiaA

    I Curvature and the size of the Universe

    I always have trouble understanding this concept. Please correct me if I am wrong somewhere in my line of thought. Is the universe finite or infinite? Using the famous balloon analogy, we can think of it as a finite expanding universe. But in that analogy the balloon has a curvature. Does the...
  7. CassiopeiaA

    I Path of Photon in Free Falling Lift: General Theory of Relativity Q&A

    I just started reading general theory of relativity. I have some elementary questions. Not an english speaker so bear with me. I am reading the thought experiment which describes path of a photon in a free falling lift. For an observer inside the lift, the photon path is a straight line. But...
  8. CassiopeiaA

    A Symplectic Condition For Canonical Transformation

    I took 2X2, 3X3 and 4X4 matrices with unknown variables and did the operation on them. All of them satisfied the condition. I also did a small proof for NXN matrix, that the above condition is true for any matrix.
  9. CassiopeiaA

    A Symplectic Condition For Canonical Transformation

    I am reading Chapter 9 of Classical Mech by Goldstein.The symplectic condition for a transformation to be canonical is given as MJM' = J, where M' is transpose of M. I understood the derivation given in the book. But my question is : isn't this condition true for any matrix M? That is it doesn't...
  10. CassiopeiaA

    I Exchange of photons inside atoms

    I was reading Feynman Diagrams and stumbled upon this query: If the electrons and protons interact by exchange of photons, does the electron inside an atoms also interact with the nucleus with a similar kind of exchange?
  11. CassiopeiaA

    A Take FFT to find time period for eclipsing binaries

    I am trying to use Kepler Data for Eclipsing Binaries to estimate time period, and then other parameters such as mass, eccentricity, semi-major axis, distance, etc. of the binary systems. I want to write code in MATLAB which will use FFT to find the time period. The available data has the...
  12. CassiopeiaA

    A What Are Practical Applications of Noether's Theorem for Beginners?

    I know lagrangian and hamiltonian dynamics and I need a graduate level answer. I do not have any knowledge of field theory, but I can understand the four-vector notations (I did a course on special theory of relativity.)
  13. CassiopeiaA

    A What Are Practical Applications of Noether's Theorem for Beginners?

    Hi I need a little help in my homework. It is not a direct problem to be solved. Rather I am supposed to find an application of Noether's theorem. All the article or papers I have found are very difficult for me to understand. In fact, I still don't understand any application of Noether's...